Detailed Conference Schedule

Plenary (General) Sessions
Keynote Lectures

MS1 Advanced Finite Elements
MS2 Advances in BE Method
MS3 Meshless Methods
MS3 Trefftz Methods in FEM and BEM
MS5 Adaptive Methods Error Estimation
MS6 Applications of FE Adaptivity in Solid Mechanics
MS7 Stochastic Methods and Reliability
MS8 High-Performance Computing in Mechanics
MS9 Soft Computing Methods in Mechanics
MS10 Advances in Commercial Software for Mechanics
MS11 Optimization and Sensitivity
MS12 Inverse Problems in Computational Mechanics
MS13 Contact Problems
MS14 Forming Processes
MS15 Fluid-Structure Interaction and Other Coupled Problems
MS16 High Velocity Impact and Crash-Worthiness
MS17 Micromechanics and Multiscale Problems
MS18 Heterogeneous Materials and Homogenization
MS19 Damage, Fracture and Failure
MS20 Computational Plasticity
MS21 Direct Methods for Limit-State and Shakedown Analyse
MS22 Computational Geomechanics
MS23 Computational Biomechanics
MS24 Computational Thermomechanics
MS25 Computational Acoustics and Electromagnetics
MS26 Computationally Assisted Experimental Mechanics
MS27 Computational Mechanics of Composite Mat. & Str.
MS28 Computational Dynamics and Transient Problems
MS29 Computational Multibody Dynamics and Robotics
MS30 Computational Stability of Structures
MS31 Smart Materials and Structures
MS32 Engineering Applications with Emphasis to Multifield Problems
MS33   Other Problems of Computational Mechanics