Publikacje L-5 do roku 2012

[1] M. Kleiber, J. Górski, T. Burczyński, K. Winkelmann, K. Wilde, and L. Smakosz, editors. 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics -- Short Papers, Gdańsk, 2015. Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Gdańsk Branch and Gdańsk University of Technology. [ bib ]
[2] Frédéric Magoulès, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, and Roman Putanowicz. Auto-tuned krylov methods on cluster of graphics processing unit. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92(6):1--29, 2014. [ bib | arXiv | www: ]
[3] M. Oleksy and W. Cecot. Estimation of computational homogenization error by explicit residual method. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(12):2504--2516, 2014. [ bib ]
[4] J. Pamin and B. Wcislo. Simulations of geometrical and thermal softening in large strain elasto-plasticity. In Proc. EMMC14 - European Mechanics of Materials Conference 2014, Gothenburg, 2014. abstract S5-1-a (1 page). [ bib ]
[5] J. Pamin, A. Wosatko, and R. Desmorat. A volumetric upgrade of scalar gradient damage model. In Bićanić et al. [bib ]
[6] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, and L Ambroziński. A semi-analytical method for identification i of thin elastic aluminium plate parameters basing on LWM. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 2014. [ bib ]
[7] B. Potrzeszcz-Sut and E. Pabisek. ANN constitutive material model in the shakedown analysis of an aluminum structure. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 2014. [ bib ]
[8] B. Wcislo and J. Pamin. Thermomechanical modeling of elastic-plastic materials undergoing large deformations. In Proc. 39th Solid Mechanics Conference SolMech, pages 97--98, Zakopane, 2014. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (PAS). [ bib ]
[9] B. Wcislo and J. Pamin. Entropic thermoelasticity for large deformations and its acegen implementation. In T. Lodygowski, J. Rakowski, and T. Grabowski, editors, Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics, pages 319--326. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2014. [ bib ]
[10] Aleksander Matuszak and Piotr Pluciński. Accuracy of cross-section stress numerical integration by boundary integration formulae. In Tomasz Lodygowski, Jerzy Rakowski, and Przemyslaw Litewka, editors, Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics, pages 111--120. CRC Press, 2014. [ bib ]
[11] N. Bićanić et al., editors. Proc. EURO-C 2014 Int. Conf. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Boca Raton/London/New York/Leiden, 2014. Taylor and Francis. [ bib ]
[12] Roman Putanowicz, Jan Jaśkowiec, Pluciński Piotr, and Anna Stankiewicz. Finite element implementation of nonlinear thermo-elasticity as typical coupling of diffusion and momentum balance. Mechanics and Control, 32(4):152--163, 2013. [ bib | www: ]
[13] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Numerical aspects of computational homogenization. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13(2):213--218, 2013. [ bib ]
[14] Jaworska I. On the ill-conditioning in the new higher order multipoint method. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(3):238--249, 2013. [ bib ]
[15] B. Potrzeszcz-Sut and E. Pabisek. Analiza stanu napreżeń i przemieszczeń konstrukcji aluminiowej z wymienianymi elementami. Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(1):275--282, 2013. [ bib ]
[16] B. Potrzeszcz-Sut and E. Pabisek. Analysis of stresses and displacements in aluminium structure with replaceable elements. In Mat. 59 Konferencji Naukowej Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Lublin-Krynica, 2013. Politechnika Lubelska. Two-page abstract on CDROM. [ bib ]
[17] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. ANNS in identification of thin aluminium plate parameters basing on GWM testing. In T. Lodygowski, J. Rakowski, T. Grabowski, and W. Sumelka, editors, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2013, CMM 2013, pages TS01--19--20, Poznań, Poland, 2013. Poznań University of Technology. Abstract. [ bib ]
[18] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, and L Ambroziński. A semi-analytical method with neural networks for predictions of thin aluminium plate parameters basing on guided-wave testing. In Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański, editors, Proc.of the ECCOMAS Tematic Conference on Iverse Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials, IPM 2013, pages 65--66, Rzeszów-Sieniawa, Poland, 2013. Rzeszów University of Technology. Abstract. [ bib ]
[19] B. Wcislo and J. Pamin. Entropic thermoelasticity for large deformations and its acegen implementation. In T. Lodygowski, J. Rakowski, T. Grabowski, and W. Sumelka, editors, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2013, pages Abstract p. TS03--13, Poznań, 2013. Poznań University of Technology. [ bib ]
[20] B. Wcislo, J. Pamin, and K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska. Gradient-enhanced damage model for large deformations of elastic-plastic materials. Arch. Mech., 65(5):407--428, 2013. [ bib ]
[21] B. Wcislo and Pamin. Numerical simulations of strain localization for large strain damage-plasticity model. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13(2):231--237, 2013. [ bib ]
[22] T. Łodygowski, J. Rakowski, T. Garbowski, and W. Sumełka, editors. 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics -- Short Papers, Poznan, 2013. Institute of Structural Engineering, Poznan University of Technology. [ bib ]
[23] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Application of fully automatic hp-adaptive fem to elastic-plastic problems. In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012), Sao Paulo (Brazil), July 2012. [ bib ]
[24] Małgorzata Stojek. Zastosowanie falowych funkcji kształtu w zagadnieniach propagacji fal - przegląd metod. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska, 59(1):223--233, marzec (1szy kwartał) 2012. [ bib ]
[25] M. Sloński. Gaussian mixture model for time-series based structural damage identification. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 19(4):331--338, 2012. [ bib ]
[26] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. On coupled field modeling. Technical Report B-186/2011, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2012. [ bib ]
[27] J. Pamin and A. Wosatko. Static gradient damage simulations using stabilized finite elements. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 50(3):841--853, 2012. [ bib ]
[28] Jaworska I. and Orkisz J. On the multipoint meshless fd method using the local petrov-galerkin approach. In J. Eberhardsteiner and F.G Böhm, H.J.and Rammerstorfer, editors, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), pages 1--10. Vienna University of Technology, 2012. [ bib ]
[29] B. Wcislo, T. Żebro, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, and J. Pamin. Finite strain inelastic models with gradient averaging and acegen implementation. In J. et al Eberhardsteiner, editor, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), page 15 pages on CDROM, Vienna, 2012. Vienna University of Technology. ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7. [ bib ]
[30] B. Wcislo and J. Pamin. Gradient-enhanced damage model for large deformations of elastic-plastic materials. In R. Pecherski, J. Rojek, and P. Kowalczyk, editors, Proc. 38th Solid Mechanics Conference SolMech 2012, pages Abstract p. 70--71, Warsaw, 2012. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT). [ bib ]
[31] A.Matuszak. Algorithm for determinig compressed region of cross-section and computing its moments of area. Technical Transactions, (3-B):89--111, 2012. [ bib ]
[32] A.Matuszak. Algorytm wyznaczania strefy ściskanej przekroju pręta oraz obliczania jej charakterystyk geometrycznych. Czasopismo Techniczne, (3-B):89--111, 2012. [ bib ]
[33] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Two-scale analysis of inelastic heterogeneous materials. In Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Computational Plasticity Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XI), Barcelona (Spain), September 2011. [ bib ]
[34] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Application of adaptive fem to solution of selected inelastic problems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Higher Order Finite Element and Isogeometric Methods (HOFEIM 2011), Krakow (Poland), June 2011. [ bib ]
[35] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Estimation of modeling error in two-scale homogenization of heterogeneous materials. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM11), Warsaw (Poland), May 2011. [ bib ]
[36] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Modelowanie materiałów niejednorodnych metodš homogenizacji komputerowej. In I Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców Budownictwa i Transportu, Kraków (Poland), March 2011. [ bib ]
[37] R. Putanowicz. Grounds for the selection of software components for building fem simulation systems for coupled problems. Mechanics and Control, 30(4):234--244, 2011. [ bib ]
[38] M. Sloński. Bayesian neural networks and Gaussian processes in identification of concrete properties. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 18(4):291--302, 2011. [ bib ]
[39] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Homogenization error estimation for two-scale analysis. Part II. Technical Report B-178/2011, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2011. [ bib ]
[40] M. Klimczak and W. Cecot. Local homogenization in modeling of asphalt pavement structures. Czasopismo Techniczne, 3(1-B):87--94, 2011. [ bib ]
[41] J. Pamin. Computational modelling of localized deformations with regularized continuum models. Mechanics & Control, 30:27--33, 2011. [ bib ]
[42] J. Pamin, W. Cecot, and E. Pabisek. Ksztalcenie z zakresu technologii informatycznych i metod obliczeniowych na wil pk. In III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyczno-Naukowa ,,Ksztalcenie na kierunku Budownictwo”, pages 69--78, Kielce, 2011. [ bib ]
[43] J. Pamin, W. Cecot, and E. Pabisek. Courses on information technology and computational methods at ced cut (in polish). In III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyczno-Naukowa ,,Ksztalcenie na kierunku Budownictwo”, pages 69--78, Kielce, 2011. [ bib ]
[44] E. Pabisek. Identification of an equivalent model for granular soils by FEM/NMM/p-EMP hybrid system. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 18(4):283--290, 2011. ISSN 1232-308X. [ bib ]
[45] E. Pabisek. Hybrid system for identification of an equivalent neural material model for granular soils. In Mater. 57. Konferencji Naukowej Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2011, pages 80--81, Krynica, 2011. Abstract. [ bib ]
[46] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid method for identification of an equivalent neural material model for granular soils. In Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański, editors, Proc.of the ECCOMAS Tematic Conference on Iverse Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials, IPM 2011, pages 83--84, Rzeszów-Sieniawa, Poland, 2011. Rzeszów University of Technology. Abstract. [ bib ]
[47] B. Wcislo and K. Ryż. Selected aspects of composite steel and concrete bridge superstructure design in accordance with pn-en 1994-2. Czasopismo Techniczne, 108(1-B):173--184, 2011. [ bib ]
[48] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, and A. Winnicki. Numerical analysis of brazilian split test on concrete cylinder. Computers and Concrete, 8(3):243--278, 2011. [ bib ]
[49] A. Matuszak. Algorytm wyznaczania strefy ściskanej w zagadnieniu zakotwień oraz w przypadku przekroju żelbetowego projektowanego według NL. Czasopismo Techniczne, 108(2-B):49--78, 2011. [ bib | www: ]
[50] A. Borkowski, T. Lewiński, and G. Dzierżanowski, editors. 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics -- Short Papers, Warszawa, 2011. Publishing House of the Warsaw University of Technology. ISBN 978-83-7207-943-5. [ bib ]
[51] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Analysis of inelastic heterogeneous materials by hp-adaptive FEM. In Proceedings of the 37th Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech 2010), Warsaw (Poland), September 2010. [ bib ]
[52] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Homogenization based on a single RVE for inelastic heterogeneous materials. In Proceedings of the IV European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM IV), Paris (France), May 2010. [ bib ]
[53] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Application of hp-adaptive mixed elements to numerical homogenization. In Proceedings of the IV European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM IV), Paris (France), May 2010. [ bib ]
[54] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Non-linear analysis by the meshless finite difference method using higher order approximation. In ECCM 2010, Paris, May 2010. [ bib ]
[55] M. Sloński. A comparison of model selection methods for compressive strength prediction of high-performance concrete using neural networks. Computers & Structures, 88(21):1248--1253, 2010. [ bib ]
[56] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Toward two-scale adaptive FEM modeling of nonlinear heterogeneous materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 8(3):303--317, 2010. [ bib ]
[57] W. Cecot, M. Serafin, I. Jaworska, M. Klimczak, S. Milewski, and W. Rachowicz. Wieloskalowe modelowanie niesprężystych materiałów heterogenicznych za pomocą hp-adaptacyjnej metody elementów skończonych. Technical Report B/163/2010, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2010. [ bib ]
[58] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Homogenization error estimation for two-scale analysis. Technical Report B-166/2010, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2010. [ bib ]
[59] M. Radwańska, J. Pamin, and C. Cichoń. Computation methods in mechanics of materials and structures developed at institute of computer methods in civil engineering, cracow university of technology (in polish). Technical Transactions, 19:87--97, 2010. Series Civil Enginnering 4-B/2010. [ bib ]
[60] J. Pamin, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, A. Wosatko, and T. Żebro. Gradient damage-plasticity: a comparison of geometrically linear and nonlinear computational models. In P. Kowalczyk et al, editor, Proc. 37th Solid Mechanics Conference SolMech 2010, pages Abstract p. 338--339, Warsaw, 2010. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research. [ bib ]
[61] J. Pamin, T. Żebro, and K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska. Finite strain elasticity-damage-plasticity models with a gradient localization limiter. In N. Khalili et al., editors, Proc. of WCCM/APCOM 2010 Congress, pages 42--43, Sydney, 2010. Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety. [ bib ]
[62] J. Pamin, A. Wosatko, and A. Winnicki. Simulations of dynamic failure in plain and reinforced concrete with regularized plasticity and damage models. In Bićanić et al. [bib ]
[63] Jaworska I and Orkisz J. Generalization of the multipoint fdm on arbitrarily irregular meshes. In ECCM2010, Paris, 2010. [ bib ]
[64] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, and J. Kaliszuk. Hybrid computational systems in structural mechanics. Technical Transactions, 107(20):133--144, 2010. 4-M. [ bib ]
[65] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Gradient damage model with volumetric-deviatoric split. In Bićanić et al. [bib ]
[66] A. Matuszak. Relation between statics of anchorage and statics of concrete section designed by working stress. Czasopismo Techniczne, 19(4-B):75--86, 2010. [ bib ]
[67] A. Matuszak. Związek między statyką zakotwień oraz statyką przekroju żelbetowego według metody naprężeń liniowych. Czasopismo Techniczne, 19(4-B):75--86, 2010. [ bib ]
[68] A. Matuszak and M. Słoński. Projektowanie zakotwień do betonu według przepisów EOTA: ETAG i TR29. In Nowoczesne rozwiązania konstrukcyjno-materiałowo-technologiczne, volume IV, pages 243--264. PZITB w Gliwicach, 2010. XXV Ogólnopolskie Warsztaty Pracy Projektanta Konstrukcji Szczyrk 10-13 marca 2010. [ bib ]
[69] N. Bićanić et al., editors. Proc. EURO-C 2010 Int. Conf. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Boca Raton/London/New York/Leiden, 2010. Taylor and Francis. [ bib ]
[70] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order a'posteriori error analysis in the meshless finite difference method - state of the art. In 17th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Kraków, Poland, 2009, p.15., May 22-23 2009. [ bib ]
[71] J. Orkisz and I. Jaworska. Multipoint meshless fdm for weak formulations of boundary value problems. In Proc. 18th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2009, pages pp.343--344, Zielona Góra, Poland, May 18-21 2009. [ bib ]
[72] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Numerical homogenization by hp-adaptive finite element method. In Proceedings of the 17th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Kraków (Poland), May 2009. [ bib ]
[73] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Adaptive finite element method in modeling of heterogeneous materials. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM09), Zielona Góra (Poland), May 2009. [ bib ]
[74] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. A 2D mixed quadrilateral hp-adaptive finite element for solid mechanics. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM09), Zielona Góra (Poland), May 2009. [ bib ]
[75] J. Orkisz and I. Jaworska. Physically based enhancement of experimental and numerical data in approximation and inverse problems. In International Symposium on Inverse Problems In Mechanics of Structures and Materials IPM 2009 (ECCOMAS Thematic Conference), Rzeszów-Lańcut, Poland., April 23-25 2009. [ bib ]
[76] M. Klimczak and W. Cecot. Zastosowanie teorii homogenizacji numerycznej do wyznaczania charakterystyk warstw asfaltowych. In materiały IV-tej Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Nauka i Przemysł, Kraków 2009, pages 75--79, 2009. [ bib ]
[77] M. Klimczak and W. Cecot. Homogenizacja numeryczna w modelowaniu nawierzchni dla celów projektowania metodą mechanistyczną. In W. Grabowski, editor, Nowoczesne technologie w budownictwie drogowym, pages 113--118. Wydawnictwo Fundacji na rzecz Rozwoju Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2009. [ bib ]
[78] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Development of a mixed two-dimensional hp-adaptive finite element for solid mechanics. Technical Report B-159/2009, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2009. [ bib ]
[79] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. An improved computational strategy to estimate residual stresses from crack compliance data. Experimental Mechanics, 49:627--636, 2009. [ bib ]
[80] M.Pazdanowski. Residual stress development in railroad rails - a parametric study. Problems of modern techniques in engineering and education, 2009. [ bib ]
[81] M. Klimczak and W. Grzybowska. Projektowanie konstrukcji nawierzchni według niemieckich wytycznych. In W. Grabowski, editor, Nowoczesne technologie w budownictwie drogowym, pages 119--128. Wydawnictwo Fundacji na rzecz Rozwoju Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2009. [ bib ]
[82] J. Pamin, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, and T. Żebro. A gradient-enhanced coupled elasticity-damage-plasticity model at finite strain. In Proc. 1st International conference on Computational Materials Mechanics ICMM1, page 107, Dortmund, 2009. [ bib ]
[83] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Discretization of the meshless local petrov-galerkin formulations in the meshless finite difference method. In ICCES Special Symp. on Meshless Methods 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009. [ bib ]
[84] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order discretization of the meshless local petrov galerkin formulations. In Proc. 18th Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 75--76, Zielona Góra, Poland, 2009, 18-21 May 2009. [ bib ]
[85] Jaworska I. The multipoint meshless finite difference method for analysis of boundary value problems of mechanics. Ph.D. Thesis. PhD thesis, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2009. [ bib ]
[86] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Self-consistent identification of material in plane stress BVP. In L. Ziemiański, editor, Proc. XII Int. Sci. Conf. on Current Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering, pages 48--48, Rzeszów, Poland, 2009. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[87] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Application of autoprogressive method to identification of an equivalent material in plane stress boundary value problems. In Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański, editors, Proc.of the ECCOMAS International Symposium on Iverse Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials, page Abstract, Rzeszów-Lańcut, Poland, 2009. Rzeszów University of Technology. [ bib ]
[88] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Gradient damage in dynamic analysis. In A. Stankiewicz, editor, 17th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Cracow, 2009. Cracow University of Technology, Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[89] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Dynamic analysis of brazilian test using gradient damage. In Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2009, pages 505--506, Zielona Góra, 2009. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[90] L. Ziemiański, editor. Proc. XII Int. Sci. Conf. on Current Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rzeszów, Poland, 2009. Rzeszów -- Lviv -- Kosice. ISBN 978-83-7199-553-8. [ bib ]
[91] Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański, editors. Proc.of the ECCOMAS International Symposium on Iverse Problems in Mechanics of Structure and Materials, Rzeszów-Łańcut, Poland, 2009. Rzeszów University of Technology. ISBN 978-83-7199-535-4. [ bib ]
[92] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Two-scale adaptive fem modeling of nonlinear heterogeneous materials. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), Venice, July 2008. [ bib ]
[93] F. Magoulès and R. Putanowicz. Mesh Partitioning Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods, chapter Visualisation of Graph Partitioning and Distributed Finite Element Data with VTK, pages 59--88. Saxe--Coburg Publications, 2008. ISBN 978-1-874672-29-6. [ bib ]
[94] P. Pluciński. Numerical analysis of mechanical effects of rebar corrosion in concrete structures. Ph.D. dissertation, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2008. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[95] P. Pluciński. Numeryczna analiza efektów mechanicznych korozji stali zbrojeniowej w betonie. praca doktorska, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2008. [ bib ]
[96] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. A mixed two-dimensional hp-adaptive finite element for solid mechanics. Technical Report B-150/2008, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2008. [ bib ]
[97] J. Pamin and A. Stankiewicz. Numerical simulation of instabilities in one- and two-phase soil model based on Cam-clay plasticity. Technical Transactions, 20:81--91, 2008. Series Environmental Enginnering 3-Ś/2008. [ bib ]
[98] K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, J. Pamin, and T. Żebro. Development of gradient-enhanced damage-plasticity formulations for large deformations. Technical Transactions, 20:47--58, 2008. Series Environmental Enginnering 3-Ś/2008. [ bib ]
[99] J. Pamin and A. Stankiewicz. Influence of imperfections on shear band formation and evolution for gradient-enhanced cam-clay model. In WCCM8 - ECCOMAS 2008 Congress, page 2 pages on CDROM, Venice, 2008. [ bib ]
[100] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. On optimal acceleration of iterative solution methods of simultaneous algebraic equations. In KU KDM Conference, Zakopane, Poland., 6-7 March 2008 2008. [ bib ]
[101] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order approximation in the meshless finite difference method - state of the art. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008. [ bib ]
[102] J. Orkisz and J. Krok. On classification of the meshless methods,. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008. [ bib ]
[103] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. A'posteriori error estimation based on higher order in the meshless finite difference method. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV Springer, Ed. Griebel, M., Schweitzer, M.A., pages 189--213., 2008. [ bib ]
[104] J. Orkisz and J. Krok. On classification of the meshless methods. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008. [ bib ]
[105] E. Pabisek. Hybrid systems integrating FEM and ANN for the analysis of selected problems of structural and materials mechanics. Monograph 369, Cracow University of Technology, Series Civil Engineering, Cracow, 2008. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[106] E. Pabisek. Systemy hybrydowe integrujące MES i SSN w analizie wybranych problemów mechaniki konstrukcji i materiałów. Monografia 369, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2008. Seria Inżynieria Lądowa. [ bib ]
[107] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Modifications of self-learning FEM/NMM approach to identification of equivalent material models for plane stress problems. In Proc. 8th World Congress on Comp. Mech. and 5th European Congress on Comp. Meth. in Ap. Sc. and Eng., pages Two--page abstract on CDROM, Venice, Italy, 2008. WCCM-ECCOMAS. [ bib ]
[108] E. Pabisek. On algorithms for identification of a neural network based model of equivalent material in real structures. Archives of Civ. Eng., 54(2):395--404, 2008. [ bib ]
[109] E. Pabisek. Self-learning FEM/ANN approach to identification of equivalent material models for plane stress problem. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 15:67--78, 2008. [ bib ]
[110] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, M. A. Polak, R. Putanowicz, and A. Winnicki. Simulation of fracture in RC slab-column connection strengthened against punching shear. Czasopismo Techniczne, 20(Series Environmental Enginnering 3-246/2008):183--193, 2008. paper presented at XIX Konferencja Naukowa ,,Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, Kraków-Korbielów (2007). [ bib ]
[111] A. Wosatko. Finite-element analysis of cracking in concrete using gradient damage-plasticity. Ph.D. dissertation, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2008. [ bib ]
[112] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Stabilized four-noded element for gradient damage. In Proc. 8th World Congress on Comp. Mech. and 5th European Congress on Comp. Meth. in Ap. Sc. and Eng., Venice, Italy, 2008. Two-page abstract on CDROM. [ bib ]
[113] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, and A. Winnicki. Three-dimensional finite element simulation of dowel action experiments. In Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Analytical Model and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures, LódŹ, 2008. Paper on CDROM (10 pages). [ bib ]
[114] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Parametric study of gradient-enhanced Cam-clay model. In et al [bib ]
[115] WCCM-ECCOMAS. Proc. 8th World Congress on Comp. Mech. and 5th European Congress on Comp. Meth. in Ap. Sc. and Eng., Venice, Italy, 2008. Digital Printing Office. [ bib ]
[116] Z. Kotulski et al, editor. Proc. 36th Solid Mechanics Conference SolMech 2008, Warsaw, 2008. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research. [ bib ]
[117] M. Serafin and W. Cecot. Computational aspects of residual stress determination by the successive cracking method. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM07), 6 pages, page Lodz University of Technology, Lodz-Spala (Poland), June 2007. Lodz University of Technology. [ bib ]
[118] Roman Putanowicz. Efficient integration of software components for scientific simulations. PhD thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 2007. [ bib ]
[119] F. Magoulès and R. Putanowicz. Visualization of large data sets by mixing tcl and c++ interfaces to the vtk library. Computers and Structures, 85:536--552, 2007. [ bib ]
[120] M. Sloński. HPC strength prediction using Bayesian neural networks. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 14(1):345--352, 2007. [ bib ]
[121] W. Cecot. On application of the adaptive FEM to multiscale modeling. In MHM2007, Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Prague, 2007. [ bib ]
[122] W. Cecot. Adaptive FEM analysis of selected elastic-visco-plastic problems. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 196:3859--3870, 2007. [ bib ]
[123] W. Cecot and M. Serafin. Two-scale adaptive FEM analysis of nonlinear heterogeneous materials - 1d examples. Technical Report B-140/2007, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 2007. [ bib ]
[124] L. Kaczmarczyk, C.J. Pearce and N. Bicanic. Multiscale analysis of heterogeneous materials for second order continuum. Pargue, Czech Republic, 2007. Modellig of Heterogenous Materials with Application in Construction and Biomedical Engineering. [ bib ]
[125] L. Kaczmarczyk, C.J. Pearce and N. Bicanic. Second-order computational homogenisation: Scale transition and enforcement of rve boundary conditions. Barcelona, Spain, 2007. International Conference on Computational Plasticity. [ bib ]
[126] L. Kaczmarczyk and C.J. Pearce. Scale transition for computational homogenization. pages 1--17, Glasgow, Scotland, 2007. Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering. [ bib ]
[127] L. Kaczmarczyk and C.J. Pearce. Hybrid-trefftz elements for cohesive crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials. pages 1--17, Glasgow, Scotland, 2007. Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering. [ bib ]
[128] L. Kaczmarczyk, C.J. Pearce and N. Bicanic. Scale transition and enforcement of rve boundary conditions in second-order computational homogenization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007. [ bib ]
[129] L. Kaczmarczyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Identification of characteristic length of microstructure for second order continuum multiscale model by bayesian neural networks. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engeneering Science, 14:183--196, 2007. [ bib ]
[130] J. Pamin and A. Stankiewicz. Localization of deformation and pore pressure in two-phase modified cam-clay plasticity model. In M. et al Jirasek, editor, MHM 2007: Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials with Applications in Construction and Biomedical Engineering, pages 192--193, Prague, 2007. Czech Technical University. [ bib ]
[131] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order approximation provided by correction terms in the meshless finite difference method. In 9th US National Congerss on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, USA, 23-26 July 2007. [ bib ]
[132] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order a'posteriori error estimation in the meshless finite difference method. In Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, editor, Fourth International Workshop Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations, pages 54--55, Bonn, Germany, Sept. 17-20 2007. [ bib ]
[133] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Recent advances in a'posteriori error estimation based on the higher order correction terms in the meshless finite difference method. In Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, editor, ICCES - Special Symposium on Meshless Methods 2007, Patras, Greece, , 15-17 June 2007. (keynote+ zlożone do druku). [ bib ]
[134] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Aproksymacja wyższego rzędu w bezsiatkowej metodzie różnic skończonych oparta na członach korekcyjnych. In Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, editor, I Kongres Mechaniki Polskiej, pages 295--296, Warszawa, Politechnika Warszawska, 19-22 June 2007. streszcz. s.154 (CD-ROM 8 stron). (referat generalny sekcyjny). [ bib ]
[135] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order approximation multigrid approach in the meshless finite difference method. In 17th Inter. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2007, pages 295--296, LódŹ-Spala, 19-22 June 2007. CD ROM 9 pages. [ bib ]
[136] J. Orkisz and I. Jaworska. Some concepts of 2d multipoint ho operators for the meshless fdm analysis. In ICCES - Special Symposium on Meshless Methods 2007, Patras, Greece, 15-17 June 2007 2007. [ bib ]
[137] J. Orkisz and L. Dobrowolski. On the best approach to moving weighted least squares approximation. In 17th Inter. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2007, pages 293--294, LódŹ-Spala, 19-22 June 2007. CD ROM 9 pages. [ bib ]
[138] J. Orkisz. O wiarygodności obliczeń inżynierskich. In X Jubileuszowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: Programy MES we wspomaganiu analizy, projektowania i wytwarzania, Kazimierz Dolny, 13-16 listopad 2007. [ bib ]
[139] J. Orkisz. O wiarygodności obliczeń inżynierskich. In Jubileusz 50-lecia pracy naukowej profesora Janusza Orkisza, Politechnika Krakowska,, 24 styczeń 2007. [ bib ]
[140] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Identification of constitutive matrix for equivalent elastic orthotropic material applying FEM/NCM method and monitored structural responses. In K. Dems, D. Gawin, M. Lefik, and Wieckowski, editors, Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2007, LódŹ/Spala, 2007. Technical University of LódŹ, AnnGraf S.C., LódŹ. [ bib ]
[141] E. Pabisek. Neural analysis of elastoplastic plane stress problem with unilateral constraints. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 14:497--507, 2007. [ bib ]
[142] E. Pabisek. Hybrid FEM/HTA analysis of friction contact in elastic and elastoplastic plane stress problems. Comput. & Struct., 85:1475--1483, 2007. [ bib ]
[143] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, M. A. Polak, R. Putanowicz, and A. Winnicki. Simulation of fracture in RC slab-column connection strengthened against punching shear. In XIX Konferencja Naukowa ,,Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, Kraków-Korbielów, 2007. [ bib ]
[144] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Stabilizowane czterowęzłowe elementy skończone dla modelu gradientowej mechaniki uszkodzeń. In Kubik et al. [bib ]
[145] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Dwuparametrowy model gradientowej mechaniki uszkodzeń. In Kubik et al. [bib ]
[146] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Stabilized four-noded finite element for gradient damage. In Kubik et al. [bib ]
[147] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. A two-parameter gradient-enhanced damage model. In Kubik et al. [bib ]
[148] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Two-phase modified cam-clay plasticity model in finite element simulations of localization. Goteborg, 2007. EUROMECH Colloquium 489. [ bib ]
[149] A. Stankiewicz. Numerical analysis of strain localization in one- and two-phase geomaterials. Ph.D. dissertation, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2007. [ bib ]
[150] M. Kuczma, K. Wilmański, and W. Szajna, editors. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2009, Zielona Góra, 2007. University of Zielona Góra, The University of Zielona Góra Press. ISBN 978-83-7481-245-0. [ bib ]
[151] J. Kubik, W. Kurnik, and W.K. Nowacki, editors. Mater. I Kongresu Mechaniki Polskiej, Warszawa, 2007. Politechnika Warszawska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej. ISBN 978-83-7201-702-8. [ bib ]
[152] J. Kubik, W. Kurnik, and W.K. Nowacki, editors. Proc. I Congress of Polish Mechanics, Warsaw, 2007. Warsaw University of Technology, Publishing House of Warsaw University of Technology. ISBN 978-83-7201-702-8. [ bib ]
[153] K. Dems, D. Gawin, M. Lefik, and Wieckowski, editors. Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2007, LódŹ/Spala, 2007. Technical University of LódŹ, AnnGraf S.C., LódŹ. ISBN 978-83-923982-2-6. [ bib ]
[154] J. Orkisz and I. Jaworska. Multipoint meshless finite difference method. In 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII, 2006), Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22 2006. [ bib ]
[155] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Recent advances in the higher order approximation in the meshless finite difference method. In 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII, 2006), Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22 2006. [ bib ]
[156] F. Magoulès and R. Putanowicz. Large-scale data visualization using multi-language programming applied to environmental problems. International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, 13(1), 2006. [ bib ]
[157] P. Pluciński. Metody numeryczne opisu nieściśliwości rdzy w analizie efektów mechanicznych korozji stali zbrojeniowej. In Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Budownictwo z.109 - VII Konferencja Naukowa Doktorantów Wydzialów Budownictwa, pages 293--300, Gliwice, 2006. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[158] M. Sloński. Bayesian regression approaches on example of concrete fatigue failure prediction. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 13(4):655--668, 2006. [ bib ]
[159] W. Cecot. Adaptive analysis of inelastic problems with Bodner-Partom constitutive model. Comp. Assist. Mech. Engng Scs, pages 513--521, 2006. [ bib ]
[160] L. Kaczmarczyk. Enforcing boundary conditions in micro-macro transition for second order continuum. Computers, Materials & Continua, 4(2):55--62, 2006. [ bib ]
[161] L. Kaczmarczyk. Thin layer shear and second order homogenization method. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engeneering Science, 13:537--546, 2006. [ bib ]
[162] L. Kaczmarczyk. Numeryczna analiza wybranych problemów mechani ośrodków niejednorodnych. PhD thesis, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2006. [ bib ]
[163] L. Kaczmarczyk. Numerical analysis of multiscale problems in mechanics of heterogenous media. PhD thesis, CUT, Cracow, 2006. in polish. [ bib ]
[164] J. Pamin and A. Stankiewicz. Gradient-enhanced cam-clay plasticity model in finite element analysis of two-phase soil. In Proc. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2006, Budapest, page 2 pages on CDROM, Budapest, 2006. Budapest University of Technology and Economics. [ bib ]
[165] A. Winnicki and J. Pamin. Viscoplastic material models - algorithmic issues and regularisation properties. In B. Raniecki, editor, Proc. 35th Solid Mechanics Conference Solmech 2006, pages 183--184, Kraków, 2006. [ bib ]
[166] J. Pamin. Computation methods for higher-order continua. In R. Kienzler, D.L McDowell, and E.A. Werner, editors, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 4/2006 "Mechanics of Materials", pages 51--52, Oberwolfach, 2006. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. [ bib ]
[167] J. Orkisz and A. Obrzut. On some attempts of the evolutionary algorithms efficiency increase. In IX Krajowa Konferencja Algorytmy Ewolucyjne i Optymalizacja Globalna (KAEiOG), Murzasichle, 31 maja - 2 czerwca 2006. [ bib ]
[168] J. Orkisz and I. Jaworska. On some aspects of the multipoint meshless fdm. In ICCES Special Symp. on Meshless Methods 2006, Dubrownik, Croatia, 14-16 June 2006. [ bib ]
[169] Pazdanowski M. and Cecot W.and Jaworska I.and Orkisz J. Analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails and wheels. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, US DOT, 2006. report. [ bib ]
[170] Jaworska I. An effective contour plotting method for presentation of the postprocessed results,, volume vol.32 of Computational Imaging and Vision, pages 1112--1117. Computer Vision and Graphics, Springer, Poland, 2006. [ bib ]
[171] A. Wosatko. Isotropic damage - formulations. Technical Report L-5/B-127/2006, Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Cracow, 2006. [ bib ]
[172] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, and A. Winnicki. Gradient damage in simulations of behaviour of RC bars and beams under static and impact loading. Archives of Civil Engineering, 52(1):455--477, 2006. [ bib ]
[173] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, A. Winnicki, R. Putanowicz, and M.A. Polak. Numerical simulation of damage in reinforced concrete slab-column connection. In Meschke et al. [bib ]
[174] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Finite element analysis of fluid influence on instabilities in two-phase cam-clay plasticity model. CAMES, 13(4):669--682, 2006. [ bib ]
[175] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Gradient-enhanced Cam-clay model for strain localization in soil. Foundations of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 7:293--318, 2006. [ bib ]
[176] G. Meschke et al., editors. Proc. EURO-C 2006 Int. Conf. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, London/Leiden, 2006. Taylor and Francis. [ bib ]
[177] J. Orkisz. Recent advances in meshless finite difference methods. In 16th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2005,, Czestochowa, Poland, June 21-24 2005. [ bib ]
[178] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. Higher order approximation approach in meshless finite difference analysis of boundary value problems. In 16th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2005, Czestochowa, Poland, June 21-24 2005. [ bib ]
[179] J. Orkisz and P. Przybylski. On mesh generator for adaptive analysis of boundary value problems by meshless fdm and fem. In 16th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2005, Czestochowa, Poland, June 21-24 2005. [ bib ]
[180] J. Kogut and J. Orkisz. Study on effective procedures for a neural network analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails. In 16th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics - CMM-2005,, Czestochowa, Poland, June 21-24 2005. [ bib ]
[181] J. Orkisz and S. Milewski. On higher order approximation in the mfdm method, third m.i.t. In Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA., June 14-17 2005. [ bib ]
[182] W. Cecot. Adaptive integration of Bodner-Partom's constitutive model. In Proceedings of the Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM '05), Czestochowa (Poland), June 2005. Czestochowa University of Technology. [ bib ]
[183] L. Kaczmarczyk. Micro-to-macro transitions of macrostructure for the first order and second order continuum. In 15th Inter-Institiute Seminar for Young Researcher, Budapest, April 2005. [ bib ]
[184] F. Magoulès and R. Putanowicz. Optimal convergence of non-overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equation. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 13(3):525--545, 2005. [ bib ]
[185] R. Putanowicz. Grids manipulation environment in python. In Garstecki et al. [bib ]
[186] M. Sloński. Prediction of concrete fatigue durability using bayesian neural networks. Computer Assisted Mech. Eng. Sci., 13(2/3):259--265, 2005. [ bib ]
[187] M. Sloński. Hpc strength prediction using bayesian neural networks. In Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Sloński, editors, Proc. of Symposium on Neural Networks and Soft Computing in Structural Engineering, NNSC-2005, Cracow, 2005. [ bib ]
[188] M. Sloński. Concrete fatigue durability prediction with gaussian processes and bayesian neural networks. In Garstecki et al. [bib ]
[189] W. Cecot. Modeling of electromagnetic fields in rectangular waveguides by coupled finite-infinite elements. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 194:549--558, 2005. [ bib ]
[190] W. Cecot. Adaptive FEM analysis of selected elastic-visco-plastic problems. Austin, TX, July 2005. 8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM8). [ bib ]
[191] W. Cecot. Analysis of selected inelastic problems by h-adaptive finite element method. Cracow University of Technology Press, 2005. [ bib ]
[192] L. Kaczmarczyk. Coho1 program do homogenizacji obliczeniowej rzedu. Technical report, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 2005. in polish. [ bib ]
[193] L. Kaczmarczyk. Some aspects of current research on computational homogenization. In Computer Methods in Mechanics, Czestochowa, Poland, June 21-24 2005. [ bib ]
[194] L. Kaczmarczyk. Generalized micro-to-macro transitions of macrostructure for the first order and second order continuum. In K.J. Bathe, editor, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Boston, USA, 2005. Elsevier. [ bib ]
[195] L. Kaczmarczyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. A hybrid fem/nn analysis of thin elastoplastic plates. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engeneering Science, 12:379--391, 2005. [ bib ]
[196] Cz. Cichoń, W. Gilewski, T. Lodygowski, and J. Pamin. Przedmioty komputerowe na kierunku budownictwo w stacjonarnym systemie studiów dwustopniowych. In II Krajowa Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna ,,Ksztalcenie na kierunku Budownictwo - problemy studiów wielostopniowych”, pages 51--73, Kielce-Cedzyna, 2005. [ bib ]
[197] Cz. Cichoń, W. Gilewski, T. Lodygowski, and J. Pamin. Computational subjects in two-level study system for civil engineers (in polish). In II Krajowa Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna ,,Ksztalcenie na kierunku Budownictwo - problemy studiów wielostopniowych”, pages 51--73, Kielce-Cedzyna, 2005. [ bib ]
[198] J. Pamin. Modele numeryczne deformacji zlokalizowanych. In XVII Konferencja Naukowa - Korbielów'2005 ,,Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, pages 77--86, Kraków, 2005. Politechnika Krakowska,, Drukarnia GS. [ bib ]
[199] J. Pamin. Numerical models of localized deformations (in polish). In XVII Konferencja Naukowa - Korbielów'2005 ,,Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, pages 77--86, Kraków, 2005. Politechnika Krakowska,, Drukarnia GS. [ bib ]
[200] J. Pamin. Gradient plasticity and damage models: a short comparison. Computational Materials Science, 32:472--479, 2005. [ bib ]
[201] J. Orkisz, I. Jaworska, and S. Milewski. Meshless finite difference method for higher order approximation. In Third International Workshop Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Bonn, Germany., Sept.12-15 2005. [ bib ]
[202] J. Orkisz and A. Obrzut. On application of the evolutionary algorithms to residual stress analysis in railroad rails. In AI-Meth 2005, Symp. On Methods of Artificial Intelligence, Gliwice, Poland., 16-18 Nov. 2005. [ bib ]
[203] J. Orkisz. Meshless finite difference method state of the art and recent developments. In Special Symposium on Meshless Methods, ICCES MM 2005, Stara Lesna, Slovakia., 8-10 June 2005. [ bib ]
[204] Jaworska I. Visualization in railroad rail analysis of residual stresses. In 16th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2005, Poland, 2005. 6 pages on CD. [ bib ]
[205] E. Pabisek. Hybrydowa MES/SSN metoda identyfikacji modelu materiału ekwiwalentnego na podstawie pomiaru przemieszczeń konstrukcji. In Mater. LI Konferencji Naukowej Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2005 [bib ]
[206] P. Romanowski and C. Cichoń. Chemo-mechanical finite element model of detoration of plain concrete structures. Archives of Civil Engng, LI, 1:85--106, 2005. [ bib ]
[207] A. Wosatko and J. Pamin. Dynamic localization in gradient damage-plasticity. In Garstecki et al. [bib ]
[208] A. Wosatko, J. Pamin, and A. Winnicki. Simulation of static and dynamic response of RC beams using gradient damage-plasticity. In Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Analytical Model and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures, Gliwice--Ustroń, 2005. Paper on CDROM (10 pages). [ bib ]
[209] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Numerical analysis of influence of fluid phase on instabilities in Cam-clay soil model. In Garstecki et al. [bib ]
[210] A. Matuszak. Solution of the problem of partial material replacement without stress redistribution by integrating ode. In Garstecki et al. [bib ]
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[213] F. Magoulès and R. Putanowicz. Non-overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equation and related shape optimization problems. In S. Domek and R. Kaszynski, editors, Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, vol 1, pages 65--70. Technical Univeristy of Szczecin, 30 August -- 2 September 2004. [ bib ]
[214] J. Krok. Oszacowanie bledów a posteriori rezultatów obliczeń MES/MRS i badań eksperymentalnych w zagadnieniach mechaniki, praca doktorska. PhD thesis, Cracow University of Technology, June 2004. supervisor J. Orkisz. [ bib ]
[215] P. Kudela. Analiza gramatyki i implementacja interpretera MES na przykładzie języka MAJAK. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2004. Opiekun: Matuszak, A. [ bib ]
[216] P. Kudela. MAJAK as a FEM oriented language, grammar analysis and interpreter implementation. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. (In Polish). Supervisor: Matuszak, A. [ bib ]
[217] M. Kwasek. Advanced static analysis and design of reinforced concrete deep beams. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. Supervisor: Pamin, J. and Winnicki, A. [ bib ]
[218] K. Migacz. Nonlinear finite element analysis of a segment of I-beam with corrugated web. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. Supervisor: Pamin, J. and Kuchta, K. [ bib ]
[219] M. Niedzielak. Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do wyznaczenia wytrzymałości na ściskanie i wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej betonu. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2004. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[220] M. Niedzielak. Application of artificial neural networks in determination of compressive strength and fatigue limit of concrete. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[221] K. Kulec. Analiza wyboczenia osiowo ściskanych powłok cylindrycznych przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2004. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[222] K. Kulec. Buckling analysis of axially compressed cylindrical shells using artificial neural networks. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[223] A. Górecka. Analiza numeryczna cienkich płyt zginanych metodą mieszanych (przemieszczeniowo-momentowych) elementów skończonych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2004. Opiekun: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[224] A. Górecka. Numerical analysis of thin plates using mixed (displacement-moment) finite elements. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. (In Polish). Supervisor: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[225] K. KuŹniar, E. Maciąg, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Computation of response spectra from mining tremors using neural networks. Solid Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, page 21 p., 2004. (in press). [ bib ]
[226] A. Krok and Z. Waszczyszyn. Kalman filtering for neural prdiction of response spectra from mining tremors. In T. Burczyński, W. Cholewa, and W. Moczulski, editors, Proc. Recent Development in Artificial Intelligence Methods AI-METH 2004, pages 157--162, Gliwice, 2004. D & D Digital Printing Office. [ bib ]
[227] A. Krok and Z. Waszczyszyn. Predykcja spektrów odpowiedzi od wstrząsów górniczych za pomocą neuronowego filtru kalmana. In Mater. 50 Jubileuszowa Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inzynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2004 [bib ]
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[229] M. Sloński. Prediction of concrete fatigue durability using bayesian neural networks. In T. Burczyński, W. Cholewa, and W. Moczulski, editors, Proc. of Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence, AI-METH 2004, pages 255--258, Gliwice, 2004. [ bib ]
[230] W. Cecot. On evaluation of residual stresses in railroad rails and car wheels by Zarka's shakedown method and rate models. Technical Report DTFR 53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, 2004. Annual technical report for the US Department of Transportation. [ bib ]
[231] W. Cecot. Application of h-adaptive FEM and Zarka's approach to analysis of shakedown problems. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 61:2139--2158, 2004. [ bib ]
[232] Z.Waszczyszyn M.Jakubek. Neural analysis of concrete fatigue durability by the neuro-fuzzy fwnn. In L. Rutkowski, J. Siekmann, R. Tadeusiewicz, and Zadeh L.A., editors, Proc. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC2004 -- 7th Int. Conf., pages 1075--1080, Czestochowa/Zakopane, 2004. T.U. of Czestochowa, Springer. [ bib ]
[233] J. Pamin. Some aspects of gradient-enhanced continuum models for softening media. In S. Wolny, editor, Proc. Int. Symp. on Developments in Plasticity and Fracture: Centenary of M.T. Huber Criterion, page 72, Cracow, 2004. AGH University of Science and Technology. [ bib ]
[234] J. Pamin. Gradient-enhanced continuum models: formulation, discretization and applications. Monograph 301, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2004. Series Civil Engineering. [ bib ]
[235] J. Orkisz, J. Magiera, and A. Skrzat. Oszacowanie bledów a posteriori rezultatów obliczeń mes/mrs i badań eksperymentalnych w zagadnieniach mechaniki, praca doktorska. In Spotkanie Dyskusyjne, Janowice, 9-11 grudnia 2004. [ bib ]
[236] J. Orkisz and S. Shaheed. Rozprawy z mechaniki konstrukcji i materiałów, sesja jubileuszowa, monografia 302. Wyd. Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków 2004, pages 211--217, 2004. [ bib ]
[237] J. Orkisz and P. Przybylski. Multigrid analysis of boundary-value problems by the meshless finite difference method, computational mechanics. In Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag, editors, Proc. 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with APCOM, pages 523--528., 2004, 2004. (CD-Room). [ bib ]
[238] Jaśkowiec and Cz. Cichoń. Coupling of FEM and EFGM with dynamic decomposition in 2D quasi--brittle crack growth analysis. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 11:293--320, 2004. [ bib ]
[239] E. Pabisek, J. Kaliszuk, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural and finite element analysis of a plane steel frame reliability by the Classical Monte Carlo method. In Rutkowski et al. [bib ]
[240] A. Wosatko. Four point bending of RC beam -- numerical analysis. Technical Report L-5/B-121/2004, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering, Cracow, 2004. [ bib ]
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[242] PZITB, Warsaw U.T. Proc. 50 Jubilae Scient. Conf. Civil Engng. Com. Polish Acad. Sci. and Polish Soc. Civil Engineers, Scientific - Research Problems Budownictwa, Krynica 2004, Warsaw - Krynica, 2004. ISBN , (in Polish). [ bib ]
[243] L. Rutkowski, J. Siekmann, R. Tadeusiewicz, and Zadeh L.A., editors. Proc. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2004 -- 7th Int. Conf., Czestochowa/Zakopane, 2004. T.U. of Czestochowa, Springer. ISBN 3-540-22123-9, LNAI 3070. [ bib ]
[244] W. Cecot. Fast integration of high order p edge element stiffness matrices and load vectors for 3D electromagnetics. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, December 2003. [ bib ]
[245] W. Cecot. On evaluation of residual stresses in railroad car wheels by the Zarka method. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, semiannual report, December 2003. [ bib ]
[246] J. Jaśkowiec and P. Pluciński. Multiple crack growth analysis in concrete structures under rebar corrosion. In 14th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Zakopane, October 16--19 2003. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[247] J. Orkisz, P. Przybylski, and I. Jaworska. A mesh generator for an adaptive multigrid mfd/fe method. In Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., June 17 - 20 2003. [ bib ]
[248] P. Pluciński, P. Romanowski, and Cz. Cichoń. Fe model of analysis of primary factors controlling corrosion of steel in concrete. In 15th Int. Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, pages 295--296, Wisla, June 3--6 2003. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[249] L. Kaczmarczyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. A hybrid fem/nn analysis of thin elastoplastic plates. In Conf. Comp. Mech. & 15th Intern. Conf. Computer Metch. Mech, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
[250] J. Orkisz and J. Krok. Recent advances in the meshless methods selected topics. In 1st CEACM Conference on Computational Mechanics, 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
[251] J. Orkisz and S. Shaheed. On acceleration of the gauss-seidel method for solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations. In 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
[252] A. Skrzat and J. Orkisz. Residual stress reconstruction in railroad passenger and freight car wheels, 1st ceacm conference on computational mechanics. In 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
[253] P. Przybylski and J. Orkisz. On adaptive mesh generator for meshless fd and fe methods, 1st ceacm conference on computational mechanics. In 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
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[255] G. Midura and J. Orkisz. Elastic-plastic bending of beam rail model, 1st ceacm conference on computational mechanics. In 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, Gliwice/Wisla, Poland, June 3-6 2003. [ bib ]
[256] J. Jaśkowiec. Dynamic domain decomposition in coupled Finite Element -- Element Free Galerkin Method. In Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM-2003), Gliwice, Poland, June 3--6 2003. [ bib ]
[257] T. Koziara and C. Cichoń. Solfec-xfem program for crack growth analysis in 2d concrete structures. In Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM-2003), Gliwice, Poland, June 3--6 2003. [ bib ]
[258] W. Cecot. h-adaptive FEM analysis of residual states in railroad rails by the Bodner-Partom constitutive model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2003. [ bib ]
[259] W. Cecot. h-adaptive FEM analysis of shakedown problems modeld by Zarka's approach. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2003. [ bib ]
[260] W. Cecot. Wear and grinding modeling by the Zarka shakedown model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2003. [ bib ]
[261] W. Cecot. Application of Zarka's model to railroad rail roller straightening analysis. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2003. [ bib ]
[262] W. Cecot. Development of h-adaptive finite element analysis of residual stresses. In Proceedings of the Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM '03), Wisla (Poland), June 2003. Silesian University of Technology, ISBN 83-914632-4-9. [ bib ]
[263] M. Jurek. Analiza wybranych zagadnień statyki i wyboczenia dźwigarów powierzchniowych metodą elementów skończonych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2003. Opiekunowie: Radwańska, M. i Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[264] M. Jurek. FEM analysis of selected statics and buckling problems for surface structures. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2003. (In Polish). Supervisors: Radwańska, M. and Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[265] K. Kukla. Numerical analysis of selected concrete mechanics problems using gradient damage model. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2003. Supervisor: Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[266] P. Sych and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neuronowa identyfikacja wytrzymałści zaprawy w spoinie muru. In Mater. XLIX Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2003 [bib ]
[267] K. Kuźniar, E. Maciąg, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Zastosowanie SSN do analizy przekazywania na budynki drgań wzbudzanych wstrząsami górniczymi. In Mater. XLIX Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2003 [bib ]
[268] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Principal component analysis and linguistic variable in neural identyfication of natural periods of prefabricated buildings. In V. Kompiš, J. Sladek, and M. Žmindák, editors, Proc. 9th Intern. Conf. Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics NMCM 2003, Žilina, Slovakia, 2003. D & D Digital Printing Office. published on CDROM, 12 pages. [ bib ]
[269] M. Jakubek and Z. Waszczyszyn. FWNN in the neural analysis of experimental structural mechanics problems. In Ö. Ciftcioglu and E. Dado, editors, Proc. Intelligent Computing in Engineering, pages 117--126, Delft, Netherlands, 2003. SOON. [ bib ]
[270] Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Bartczak. Neural prediction of critical loads in compressed cylindrical shells with geometrical imperfections. Non-linear Mechanics, 37:763--775, 2003. [ bib ]
[271] Z. Waszczyszyn. Neurocomputing and finite element method. In Burczyński et al. [bib ]
[272] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural simulation of dynamic response of prefabricated buildings subjected to paraseismic excitations. C&S, 81:2353--2360, 2003. from ECCM-2001. [ bib ]
[273] R. Putanowicz. Use of xml as scientific data exchange file format. In 14th Inter--Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Zakopane, Poland, 2003. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[274] R. Putanowicz, M. Radwańska, J. Pamin, A. Matuszak, A. Stankiewicz, A. Wosatko, and J. Karolak. Baza wzorcowych testów z zakresu nieliniowej mechaniki materiałów i konstrukcji. Technical Report B-113/2003, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 2003. [ bib ]
[275] R. Putanowicz, M. Radwańska, J. Pamin, A. Matuszak, A. Stankiewicz, A. Wosatko, and J. Karolak. Benchmarks data base for nonlinear material modeling and structural analysis. Technical Report B-113/2003, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering., 2003. (in Polish). [ bib ]
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[279] J. Szczesny and M. Sloński. Application of artificial neural networks to permeability assessment of dams foundation. In M. Maciejewski, editor, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Dam Monitoring, pages 433--438, Kielce, 2003. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[280] W. Cecot. Modeling of electromagnetic fields in rectangular waveguides by coupled finite-infinte elements. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, January 2003. [ bib ]
[281] W. Cecot. Evaluation of residual states in railroad rails by certain shakedown or rate models and h-adaptive finite elements. Technical Report DTFR 53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, 2003. Final technical report for the US Department of Transportation. [ bib ]
[282] J. Orkisz, W. Cecot, W. Karmowski, J. Krok, and M. Pazdanowski. Shakedown approach to analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails. India, 2003. IMPLAST conference. [ bib ]
[283] W. Cecot. Modeling of electromagnetic fields in rectangular waveguides by hp-adaptive coupled finite-infinite elements. London, 2003. MAFELAP conference. [ bib ]
[284] W. Cecot, L. Demkowicz, and W. Rachowicz. An hp-adaptive finite element method for electromagnetics. Part 3: A three-dimensional infinite element for Maxwell's equations. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 57:899--921, 2003. [ bib ]
[285] M. Radwańska. Syntetyczny opis różnych modeli ES. Technical Report L-5/B-114/03, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 2003. [ bib ]
[286] M. Radwańska. Synthetic description of various FE models. Technical Report L-5/B-114/03, Institute of Comp. Meth. in Civil Engng., 2003. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[287] Z.Waszczyszyn M.Jakubek, L.Zajączkowski. Sztuczne sieci neuronowe w wycenie dzialek budowlanych. In XLIX Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Krynica, 2003. [ bib ]
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[289] A.Urbańska M.Jakubek. Application of fwnn to the neural analysis of experimental mechanics problems. In 14th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researches, Zakopane, 2003. [ bib ]
[290] Z.Waszczyszyn M.Jakubek, A.Urbańska. Application of fwnn to the neural analysis of experimental mechanics problems. In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Numer. Meth. Cont. Mech., Zilina, Slowacja, 2003. D & D Digital Printing Office. [ bib ]
[291] L. Kaczmarczyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. A hybrid fem/nn analysis of thin elastoplastic plates. In 14th Inter-Institiute Seminar for Young Researcher, Zakopane, October 2003. [ bib ]
[292] L. Kaczmarczyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. A neural procedurefor the hybrid fem/nn analysis of elastoplastic plate bending. In 9th Intern. Conf. Meth. Continuum Mech., Žilina Slovak Republic, September 9-12 2003. [ bib ]
[293] H. Askes, J. Pamin, and I. Tsagrakis. Meshless discretization of stress-space and strain-space gradient models. In T. Bickel and J. Fish, editors, Proc. 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics USNCCM 7, page Paper 1002 on CDROM, Albuquerque, 2003. Sandia National Laboratories. [ bib ]
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[295] J. Pamin. Gradient plasticity and damage models: comparisons and applications. In Proc. 13th Int. Workshop Computational Mechanics of Materials IWCMM13, pages 47--48, Magdeburg, 2003. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. [ bib ]
[296] J. Pamin, H. Askes, and R. de Borst. Two gradient plasticity theories discretized with the element-free Galerkin method. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 192:2377--2403, 2003. [ bib ]
[297] J. Pamin. A comparison of higher-order gradient models in nonlinear continuum mechanics. In Burczyński et al. [bib ]
[298] J. Pamin, A. Wosatko, and A. Winnicki. Two- and three-dimensional gradient damage-plasticity simulations of cracking in concrete. In Bićanić et al. [bib ]
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[300] J. Orkisz. Shake-down approach to analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails. In IMPLAST, Delhi, India., 16 - 19 March 2003. [ bib ]
[301] Jan Jaśkowiec. Integracja MES z BMG w dwuwymiarowej analizie propagacji pękania quasi--kruchego. praca doktorska, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2003. [ bib ]
[302] Jan Jaśkowiec. Integration of FEM and EFGM in two dimensional quasi--brittle crack growth analysis. Dissertation (in Polish), Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland, 2003. [ bib ]
[303] J. Jaśkowiec. Integracja metody elementów skończonych z bezelementową metodą Galerkina. In XIV Konferencja Naukowa -- Korbielów'2003, ”Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, 2003. [ bib ]
[304] Jaworska I. and Orkisz J.and Przybylski P. Adaptive mesh generation and visualization for mfdm and fem analysis of railroad rails and vehicle wheels. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, US DOT., 2003. annual reports, 2000 2003, US DOT. [ bib ]
[305] Jaworska I. On graphic modeller for adaptive meshless fd and fe analysis. In 1st CEACM Conference on Computational Mechanics, 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003, 2003. 4 pages on CD. [ bib ]
[306] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid FEM/NN analysis of friction contact of elastic and elastoplastic bodies. In Proc. of Conf. on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics, pages 1--12, Zilina, Slovak Republic, 2003. D & D Digital Printing Office. [ bib ]
[307] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. FEM and a Hopfield-Tank neural network analysis of plane elastic structures with nonmonotone friction contact. In Burczyński et al. [bib ]
[308] P. Romanowski. Analiza numeryczna trwałości elementów konstrukcji betonowych poddanych obciążeniom chemiczno-mechanicznym. praca doktorska - złożona do recenzji, Politechnika Krakowska, WIL PK, 2003. [ bib ]
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[313] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Plasticity models in one- and two-phase numerical simulations of geomaterials. Technical Report L-5/B-118/2003, Institute of Comp. Meth. in Civil Engng., Cracow, 2003. [ bib ]
[314] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Gradient--enhanced Cam--clay model for one-- and two--phase modelling of soil instabilities. In Burczyński et al. [bib ]
[315] A. Matuszak. Numerical factorisation applied to the analysis of partial material replacement without stress redistribution. In Burczyński et al. [bib ]
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[319] PZITB, Warsaw U.T. Proc. XLIX Scient. Conf. Civil Engng. Com. Polish Acad. Sci. and Polish Soc. Civil Engineers, Scientific - Research Problems Budownictwa, Krynica 2003, Warsaw - Krynica, 2003. ISBN , (in Polish). [ bib ]
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[324] W. Cecot. Further validation of the Zarka shakedown model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, December 2002. [ bib ]
[325] J. Orkisz, W. Karmowski, J. Magiera, and A. Skrzat. Physically based reconstruction of residual stresses using experimentally measured data. In MACSI-net Workshop on Parameter identification in structural and materials engineering, incorporating a IALAD Minisymposium on Health monitoring and inverse problems in dam engineering, Milan, November 20-22 2002. [ bib ]
[326] J. Orkisz. Wccm v - fifth world congress on computational mechanics. Vienna, Austria, July 7-12 2002. [ bib ]
[327] W. Cecot. hp-finite/infinite element analysis of Maxwell's equations. In Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, July 2002. Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6. [ bib ]
[328] W. Cecot. Application of Zarka's model to shakedown analysis. In Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, July 2002. Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6. [ bib ]
[329] W. Cecot. Application of Zarka's model to railroad rail roller straightening analysis. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, semiannual report, June 2002. [ bib ]
[330] W. Cecot. Wear and grinding modeling by the Zarka shakedown model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2002. [ bib ]
[331] W. Cecot. Development of the Zarka shakedown model Bodner-Partom constitutive model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2002. [ bib ]
[332] W. Cecot. Incremental analysis of residual states by the Bodner-Partom constitutive model. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2002. [ bib ]
[333] T. Żebro. Analiza numeryczna cienkich i umiarkowanie grubych płyt z użyciem hybrydowo-naprężeniowych elementów skończonych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2002. Opiekun: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[334] T. Żebro. Numerical analysis of thin and moderately thick plates using hibrid-stress finite elements. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2002. (In Polish). Supervisor: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[335] T. Koziara. Dwuwymiarowa analiza wzrostu rysy z wykorzystaniem elementów skończonych z nieciągłym polem przemieszczeń. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2002. Opiekun: Cichoń, Cz. [ bib ]
[336] T. Koziara. Two-dimensional crack growth analysis using finite elements with discontinuous displacement field approximation. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2002. (In Polish). Supervisor: Cichoń, C. [ bib ]
[337] K. Kądziołka. Wyznaczanie dynamicznego modułu odkształcenia za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2002. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[338] K. Kądziolka. Determination of dynamic strain modulus using artificial neural networks. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2002. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[339] M. Czerkies. Analiza statyczna belek cienkościennych o przekroju otwartym z wykorzystaniem dwuwymiarowego, zdegenerowanego elementu skończonego. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2002. Opiekun: Cichoń, Cz. [ bib ]
[340] M. Czerkies. Static analysis of thin-walled beams with open cross-section using degenerated two-dimensional finite element. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2002. (In Polish). Supervisor: Cichoń, C. [ bib ]
[341] P. Urbański and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neuronowa predykcja stopnia zużycia technicznego budynków mieszkalnych. In Mater. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002 [bib ]
[342] K. Kądziołka, M.J. Sulewska, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Wyznaczanie dynamicznego odkształcenia gruntów niespoistych za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych. In Mater. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002 [bib ]
[343] A. Urbańska, W. Ligęza, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Analiza skurczu betonu za pomocą sieci neuronowej RBF. In Mater. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002 [bib ]
[344] J. Kaliszuk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Probabilistyczna ocena niezawodności konstrukcji metodami Monte Carlo z wykorzystaniem SSN. In Mater. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002 [bib ]
[345] A. Urbańska and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of concrete shrinkage. In Rutkowski and Kacprzyk [bib ]
[346] J. Kaliszuk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Reliability analysis of structures by neural network supported Monte Carlo methods. In Rutkowski and Kacprzyk [bib ]
[347] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of vibration problems of real flat buildings and data preprocessing. Engineering Structures, 24:1327--1335, 2002. [ bib ]
[348] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Elastoplastic analysis of plane steel frames by a new superelement. ACE, 48(2):159--181, 2002. [ bib ]
[349] M. Sloński and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural prediction of water absorption in the sealing process of a dam grout curtain. In T. Burczyński, W. Cholewa, and W. Moczulski, editors, Proc. of Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence, AI-METH 2002, pages 389--394, Gliwice, 2002. [ bib ]
[350] Z.Waszczyszyn M.Jakubek, E.Pabisek. Oszacowanie parametrów charakterystyk podatnych polączeń za pomocą sieci neuro-rozmytej. In XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica, 2002. [ bib ]
[351] Z.Waszczyszyn M.Jakubek, E.Pabisek. Estimation characteristics parameters of semi-rigid connections. In XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica, 2002. [ bib ]
[352] J. Pamin, A. Winnicki, and A. Wosatko. Gradient-enhanced damage model for cracking and crack closing in concrete. In Skrzypek and Ganczarski [bib ]
[353] J. Pamin. Strain space plasticity with Laplacian averaging for localization analysis. In Mang et al. [bib ]
[354] J. Kogut and J. Orkisz. Application of radial basis neutral networks to residual stresses in rails under wandering contact loading. In AI-METH 2002 - 3rd Symp.on Methods of Artificial, Gliwice, Poland, Nov.13-15 2002. [ bib ]
[355] Magiera J. and Orkisz J. Physically based approximation of experimental data by the global method. In DAS2002-19th Danubia-Adria Symp. on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Polanica Zdrój, Poland, Sept 2002. DAY .25-28. [ bib ]
[356] J. Jaśkowiec. Application of extended EFG method and cohesive crack model to the crack growth analysis of concrete structures. In Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Prague (Czech Republic), 4--6 September 2002. [ bib ]
[357] J. Jaśkowiec. Zastosowanie wzbogaconej Bezelementowej Metody Galerkina i modelu rysy fikcyjnej do analizy wzrostu rysy w konstrukcjach betonowych. In XIV Konferencja Naukowa -- Korbielów'2002, ”Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, 2002. [ bib ]
[358] E. Pabisek, M. Jakubek, and Z. Waszczyszyn. A fuzzy neural network for the analysis of experimental structural mechanics problems. In Rutkowski and Kacprzyk [bib ]
[359] C. Cichoń, W. Cecot, J. Krok, and P. Pluciński. Metody komputerowe w liniowej mechanice konstrukcji. Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2002. [ bib ]
[360] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Numerical analysis of instabilities in geomaterials using a gradient-dependent modified cam-clay model. In Sobczyk [bib ]
[361] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. A gradient-dependent modified Cam-Clay model. In Mang et al. [bib ]
[362] A. Matuszak. Partial material replacement without stress redistribution. Archives of Applied Mechanics, 54(1):35--54, 2002. [ bib ]
[363] PZITB, Politechnika Opolska. Mater. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002, Opole - Krynica, 2002. Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne. ISBN 83-7125-091-6. [ bib ]
[364] PZITB, Politechnika Opolska. Proc. XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2002, Opole - Krynica, 2002. Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne. ISBN 83-7125-091-6, (in Polish). [ bib ]
[365] J. Skrzypek and A. Ganczarski, editors. Proc. Int. Symp. Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials, Cracow, 2002. Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[366] K. Sobczyk, editor. Proc. 34th Solid Mechanics Conference SolMech2002, Warsaw, 2002. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, ATOS Poligrafia-Reklama. [ bib ]
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[368] H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, and J. Eberhardsteiner, editors. Proc. 5th World Cong. on Comp. Mech. WCCM V, Vienna, 2002. Vienna University of Technology, Vienna University of Technology. [ bib ]
[369] W. Cecot. Adaptive FEM analysis of shakedown states. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, semiannual report, December 2001. [ bib ]
[370] M. Sloński. Application of anfis neuro-fuzzy system for prediction of concrete fatigue durability. In 13th Inter--Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Vienna,Austria, October 26--28 2001. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[371] J. Krok, J. Orkisz, and M. Stanuszek. Higher order meshless finite difference approach. In 13th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Vienna, Austria, October 26-28 2001. [ bib ]
[372] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. A cam-clay model for finite element analysis of instabilities in geomaterials. In 13th Inter--Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Vienna,Austria, October 26--28 2001. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[373] A. Matuszak. Implementation of hybrid-Trefftz FEM formulation. In 13th Inter--Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Vienna,Austria, October 26--28 2001. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[374] J. Orkisz. Methods of analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails. In Waszczyszyn and Pamin [bib ]
[375] A. Skrzat, J. Orkisz, and J. Krok. Residual stress reconstruction in railroad car wheels based on experimental data measured at saw cut test. In Waszczyszyn and Pamin [bib ]
[376] A. Matuszak. Numerical approach to the problem of stress redistribution. In 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cracow, June 26-29 2001. [ bib ]
[377] W. Cecot. Modeling of the railroad rail roller straightening process. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2001. [ bib ]
[378] W. Cecot. Investigation of the rail wear effects and grinding process. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2001. [ bib ]
[379] W. Cecot. Adaptive approach to the Zarka shakedown analysis. Technical report, Cracow University of Technology, annual report, June 2001. [ bib ]
[380] J. Krok, W. Cecot, and M.Pazdanowski. Shakedown analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails with kinematic hardening taken into account. In Proceedings of the Second European Conferrence on Computational Mechanics (ECCM '01), Krakow, June 2001. Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[381] W. Cecot, J. Orkisz, and G. Midura. Estimation of railroad rail residual deformation after roller straightening. In Proceedings of the Second European Conferrence on Computational Mechanics (ECCM '01), Krakow, June 2001. Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[382] W. Cecot. Adaptive finite element analysis of certain shakedown problems. In Proceedings of the Second European Conferrence on Computational Mechanics (ECCM '01), Krakow, June 2001. Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[383] B. Wieczorek. Zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych do uczenia sztucznych sieci neuronowych typu RBF i LM. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[384] B. Wieczorek. Application of genetic algorithms in the learning process of RBF and LM artificial neural networks. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[385] K. Świgut. Neuronowa symulacja skurczu betonu za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych typu RBF i LM. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[386] K. Świgut. Neural simulation of concrete shrinkage using RBF and LM artificial neural networks. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[387] Ł. Kula. Zastosowanie metody elementów skończonych do analizy problemów liniowej mechaniki pękania. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Cichoń, Cz. [ bib ]
[388] L. Kula. Application of finite element method in problems of linear fracture mechanics. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Cichoń, C. [ bib ]
[389] R. Grzywacz. Analiza numeryczna płyt Reissnera-Mindlina o dwupolowej aproksymacji (przemieszczeniowo-odkształceniowej). Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[390] R. Grzywacz. Numerical analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates with two-field (displacement-strain) approximation. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[391] A. Bzdoń. Zastosowanie wybranych SNN do symulacji skurczu betonu. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[392] A. Bzdoń. Application of selected ANNs in simulation of concrete shrinkage. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[393] M. Bartczak. Predykcja neuronowa obiążeń krytycznych powłok cylindrycznych z imperfekcjami technologicznymi. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2001. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[394] M. Bartczak. Neural prediction of buckling loads of cylindrical shells with geometrical imperfections. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2001. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[395] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. A new superelement for the elastoplastic analysis of plane steel frames. In Ziólko and Supernak [bib ]
[396] A. Urbańska, J. Kaliszuk, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of semi-rigid tube connections in steel frames. In Ziólko and Supernak [bib ]
[397] A. Urbańska, J. Kaliszuk, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neuronowa analiza podatnych połączeń rurowych w ramach stalowych. In Ziółko and Supernak [bib ]
[398] P. Sych and Z. Waszczyszyn. Określenie nośności i wytrzymałości murów za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych. In Mater. XLVII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2001 [bib ]
[399] Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Bartczak. Neural prediction of critical loads in compressed cylindrical shells with geometrical imperfections. In Proc. XLVII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2001 [bib ]
[400] Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Bartczak. Neuronowa predykcja obciążeń krytycznych ściskanych powłok z imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. In Mater. XLVII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2001 [bib ]
[401] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural simulation of dynamic response of prefabricated buildings subjected to paraseismic excitations. In Waszczyszyn and Pamin [bib ]
[402] Z. Rawicki and Z. Waszczyszyn. Identification of fracture toughness parameters of dense concretes by means of neuro-fuzzy system ANFIS. ACE, 47(4):445--461, 2001. [ bib ]
[403] J. Kaliszuk, A. Urbańska, Z. Waszczyszyn, and K. Furtak. Neural analysis of concrete fatigue durability on the basis of experimental evidence. ACE, 47(3):327--339, 2001. [ bib ]
[404] Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański. Neural networks in mechanics of structures and materials - new results and prospects of applications. C&S, 79:2261--2276, 2001. from ECCM'99. [ bib ]
[405] M. Sloński. Application of fuzzy modelling in planning of small water reservoirs systems in highland catchments. PhD thesis, CUT, Cracow, 2001. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[406] M. Radwańska and J. Bielski. Computational problems of the FE-analysis of elasto-plastic surface structures. CAMES, 8:17--44, 2001. [ bib ]
[407] L. Kaczmarczyk. Implementacja i sformulowanie tarczowego elementu skończonego w ujeciu hybrydowym-trefftza, model napreżeniowy. Master's thesis, Cracow Univ. of Technology, 2001. [ bib ]
[408] J. Pamin. Discretization aspects of gradient plasticity models. In 13th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers [bib ]
[409] J. Pamin, H. Askes, and R. de Borst. Gradient regularization and EFG discretization of the plastic flow theory. In Bletzinger et al. [bib ]
[410] J. Kogut and J. Orkisz. Updated neural networks approach to the theoretical predictions of residual stresses in railroad rails in service conditions,. AI-MECH 2001 - Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, ISBN, Nov.14-16 2001. ISBN 83-914632-1-4 , Gliwice,. [ bib ]
[411] J. Orkisz. Meshless finite difference method. In Fourth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Naleczów, Poland, Sept. 9-12 2001. [ bib ]
[412] J. Jaśkowiec. Integracja metody elementów skończonych z bezelementową Galerkina. In XIII Konferencja Naukowa -- Korbielów'2001, ”Metody Komputerowe w Projektowaniu i Analizie Konstrukcji Hydrotechnicznych”, 2001. [ bib ]
[413] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of elastoplastic plane stress problem with unilateral constraints. In Waszczyszyn and Pamin [bib ]
[414] A. Wosatko. Propagacja fal w jednowymiarowym ośrodku o zmiennych właściwościach materiałowych. Technical Report B-99/2001, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 2001. [ bib ]
[415] A. Wosatko. Wave propagation in one-dimensional medium with varying matarial characteristics. Technical Report B-99/2001, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering, 2001. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[416] A. Wosatko and M. Radwańska. Naprężeniowo-przemieszczeniowe elementy skończone w analizie płaskiego stanu naprężenia. Met. Komp. w Inż. Ląd., Nr 5:21--44, 2001. [ bib ]
[417] A. Wosatko and M. Radwańska. Stress-displacement finite elements for plane stress analysis. Comp. Met. in Civ. Eng., No 5:21--44, 2001. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[418] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Simulation of instabilities in non-softening Drucker-Prager plasticity. CAMES, 8:183--204, 2001. [ bib ]
[419] J. Ziółko and E. Supernak, editors. Mater. X Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna KONSTRUKCJE METALOWE - GDAŃSK 2001, Gdańsk, 2001. [ bib ]
[420] J. Ziólko and E. Supernak, editors. Proc. X International Scientific-Technical Conference METAL STRUCTURES - GDAŃSK 2001, Gdańsk, 2001. [ bib ]
[421] PZITB, Politechnika Opolska. Mater. XLVII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2001, Opole - Krynica, 2001. Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne. ISBN 83-7125-085-1. [ bib ]
[422] PZITB, Politechnika Opolska. Proc. XLVII Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2001, Opole - Krynica, 2001. Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne. ISBN 83-7125-085-1, (in Polish). [ bib ]
[423] Vienna University of Technology. 13th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, Vienna, 2001. Vienna University of Technology. [ bib ]
[424] K.-U. Bletzinger, K. Schweizerhof, and W.A. Wall, editors. Conf. on Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, Barcelona, 2001. CIMNE. [ bib ]
[425] Z. Waszczyszyn and J. Pamin, editors. Proc. European Conf. on Computational Mechanics ECCM-2001, Cracow, 2001. Cracow University of Technology, Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
[426] P. Pluciński. Buckling of thin-walled frames with partial warping restraints. In 12th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, October 27--29 2000. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[427] J. Orkisz. Recent advances in evaluation of residual stresses in railroad rails,. In 12th Inter-Institute Seminar on Non-linear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, October 27-29 2000. [ bib ]
[428] J. Orkisz and G. Midura. Elastic-plastic analysis of a beam modelling rails under moving contact loading. In 12th Inter-Institute Seminar on Non-linear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, October 27-29 2000. [ bib ]
[429] J. Jaśkowiec. Polynomial enrichment of the displacement fields around the crack in element free Galerkin method -- preliminary study. In 12th Inter--Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, October 27--29 2000. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[430] W. Cecot, L. Demkowicz, and W. Rachowicz. A three-dimensional inifinite element for Maxwell's equations. Technical report, TICAM report 00-20, available, September 2000. [ bib ]
[431] L. Demkowicz and W. Cecot. Inifinite element for time harmonic Maxwell's equations. May 2000. 14th Engineering Mechanics Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers. [ bib ]
[432] P. Żuchowski. Pokrycie strukturalne pawilonu handlowego o dużej rozpiętości na rzucie kwadratu. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2000. Opiekunowie: Cichoń, Cz. i Gwóźdź, M. [ bib ]
[433] P. Żuchowski. Large-span space-truss roof of trade hall with square plan. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2000. (In Polish). Supervisors: Cichoń, C. and GwóŹdŹ, M. [ bib ]
[434] R. Filus, P. i Rogowski. Numeryczna analiza zarysowania sprężonych zbiorników walcowych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2000. Opiekunowie: Pamin, J. i Seruga, A. [ bib ]
[435] P. Filus and R. Rogowski. Numerical analysis of cracking in prestressed cylindrical containers. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2000. (In Polish). Supervisors: Pamin, J. and Seruga, A. [ bib ]
[436] K. Drozd. Pokrycie strukturalne pawilonu handlowego o dużej rozpiętości na rzucie koła. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2000. Opiekunowie: Cichoń, Cz. i Gwóźdź, M. [ bib ]
[437] K. Drozd. Large-span space-truss roof of trade hall with circular plan. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 2000. (In Polish). Supervisors: Cichoń, C. and GwóŹdŹ, M. [ bib ]
[438] M. Klasztorny, G. Rakowski, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Mechanika ... Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 7:350--353, 2000. [ bib ]
[439] M. Klasztorny, G. Rakowski, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Mechanics of materials and structures at the seminar on structural mechanics in engineering courses. Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 7:350--353, 2000. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[440] A. Urbańska, J. Kaliszuk, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of semi-rigid tube connections. In Proc. Polish-German Symposium on Sciences Research Education SRE 2000, pages 127--134, 2000. [ bib ]
[441] Z. Rawicki and Z. Waszczyszyn. Wyznaczanie parametrów mechaniki pękania betonów cieżkich systemem neuro-rozmytym ANFIS. In Mater. XLVI Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2000 [bib ]
[442] J. Kaliszuk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Zastosowanie sztucznej sieci neuronowej typu RBF do przewidywania trwałości zmęczeniowej betonu. In Mater. XLVI Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2000 [bib ]
[443] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Superelement sprężysto-plastyczny do analizy stalowych ram płaskich. In Mater. XLVI Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 2000 [bib ]
[444] S. Lukaszyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid sdip / fdm analysis of an elastoplastic beam. In Rutkowski and Tadeusiewicz [bib ]
[445] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural analysis of flat building vibration problems and input data preprocessing. In Rutkowski and Tadeusiewicz [bib ]
[446] Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural networks in plasticity - some new results and prospects of applications. In ECCOMAS 2000 [bib ]
[447] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Neural network supported FEM analysis of elastoplastic plate bending. BUTE Research News, pages 12--19, 2000. [ bib ]
[448] K. KuŹniar, E. Maciąg, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Application of neural networks to natural periods identification and simulation of prefabricated buildings response. Solid Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 20:217--222, 2000. [ bib ]
[449] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, J. Pamin, and M. Radwańska. Nonlinear analysis of a rc cooling tower with geometrical imperfections and a technological cut-out. Engineering Structures, 22:480--489, 2000. [ bib ]
[450] K. KuŹniar, E. Maciąg, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Computation of natural fundamental periods of vibrations of medium-height prefabricated buildings by neural networks. ACE, 46:515--523, 2000. [ bib ]
[451] K. KuŹniar, R. Obiala, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural network simulation a seismic excited building response. ACE, 46(2):313--323, 2000. [ bib ]
[452] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Application of a hopfield type neural network to the analysis of elastic problems with unilateral constraints. CAMES, 7:757--765, 2000. [ bib ]
[453] Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Sloński. Analysis of some problems of experimental mechanics and bio- mechanics by means the anfis neuro-fuzzy system. JTAM, 38(2):429--445, 2000. [ bib ]
[454] W. Cecot and W. Rachowicz. Adaptive solution of problems modeled by unified state variable constitutive equations. Comp. Assist. Mech. Engng Scs, 7:479--492, 2000. [ bib ]
[455] W. Cecot, L. Demkowicz, and W. Rachowicz. A two-dimensional infinite element for Maxwell's equations. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng, 188:625--643, 2000. [ bib ]
[456] W. Cecot, L. Demkowicz, and W. Rachowicz. Inifinite element for Maxwell's equations. Number 266. Cracow University of Technology, 2000. [ bib ]
[457] M. Radwańska. Computer methods in selected problems of structural mechanics. Technical report, CUT, 2000. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[458] J. Pamin. Gradient plasticity models for failure analysis: theories, numerical implementation and applications. In Perzyna [bib ]
[459] H. Askes, J. Pamin, and R. de Borst. An EFG implementation of a gradient-enhanced damage model. In B.H.V. Topping, editor, Computational Techniques for Materials, Composites and Composite Structures, pages 137--145, Edinburgh, 2000. Civil-Comp Press. [ bib ]
[460] J. Pamin, H. Askes, and R. de Borst. EFG analysis of gradient damage and plasticity models. In J.-L. Chaboche, editor, Euromech Colloquium 417 on Numerical Modelling in Damage Mechanics, pages 12--13, Troyes, France, 2000. University of Technology of Troyes. [ bib ]
[461] H. Askes, J. Pamin, and R. de Borst. Dispersion analysis and element-free Galerkin solutions of second- and fourth-order gradient-enhanced damage models. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 49:811--832, 2000. [ bib ]
[462] M. di Prisco, L. Ferrara, F. Meftah, J. Pamin, R. de Borst, J. Mazars, and J.M. Reynouard. Mixed mode fracture in plain and reinforced concrete: some results on benchmark tests. Int. J. Fracture, 103:127--148, 2000. [ bib ]
[463] J. Kogut and J. Orkisz. Neural networks approach to theoretical predictions of residual stresses in railroad rails. In Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, AI-MECH 2000, pages 193--196., Gliwice, Nov. 15-17 2000. [ bib ]
[464] J. Orkisz. Evaluation of residual stresses and strains in railroad rails and vehicle wheels. In 33rd Solid Mechanics Conference, , Zakopane, Sept.5-9 2000. [ bib ]
[465] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural networks in the analysis of elastoplastic stress problem with unilateral constraints. In B.H.V.Topping, editor, Computational Engineering Using Metaphors from Nature, pages 1--6, Edinburgh, 2000. Civil-Comp Press. [ bib ]
[466] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Application of a hopfield type neural network to the analysis of elastic problems with unilateral constraints. CAMES, 7:757--765, 2000. [ bib ]
[467] C. Cichoń and Pluciński P. Analiza statyki i wyboczenia ram cienkościennych o dowolnym otwartym przekroju poprzecznym z mieszanym 1d/3d sformułowaniem elementów skończonych. In IX Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji, Zakopane, Wrzesień 25-29 2000. [ bib ]
[468] C. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, and S. Waszczuk. Bucling of thin-walled frames with partial warping restraint. Archives of Civil Engng, XLVI, 2:244--254, 2000. [ bib ]
[469] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Finite element analysis of localization in Drucker-Prager plasticity with cohesion hardening. Research News, 4:38--48, 2000. [ bib ]
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[477] P. Pluciński and Cz. Cichoń. A new approach to the fe analysis of thin-walled frame structure. In 11th Inter--Institute Seminar on Youth and Computational Mechanics, Janowice, October 7--10 1999. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[478] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Simulation of strain localization in materials with non-symmetric constitutive operators. In 11th Inter--Institute Seminar on Youth and Computational Mechanics, Janowice, October 7--10 1999. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[479] A. Matuszak. Hybrid--Trefftz Formulation of FEM. In 11th Inter--Institute Seminar on Youth and Computational Mechanics, Janowice, October 7--10 1999. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[480] P. Pluciński and Cz. Cichoń. Improved buckling analysis of thin-walled space frame. In Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 293--294, Rzeszów, May 26--28 1999. Proceedings of the XIV Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
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[482] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. FE simulation of shear banding in non--associative plasticity. In Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 335--336, Rzeszów, May 26--28 1999. Proceedings of the XIV Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[483] A. Matuszak and J. Pamin. Numerical analysis of wave propagation in a perforated elastic body. In Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 245--246, Rzeszów, May 1999. Proceedings of the XIV Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[484] R. Zelek. Analiza skuteczności biernego sterowania antysejsmicznego najprostszym modelem układu drgającego. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekun: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
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[486] E. Wijas. Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do analizy utraty stateczności powłok cylindrycznych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[487] E. Wijas. Application of artificial neural networks in stability analysis of cylindrical shells. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1999. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[488] L. Janus. Analiza dynamiczna więzara dachowego z uwzględnieniem jego pracy przestrzennej. zastosowanie środowiska MATLAB. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekun: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[489] L. Janus. Dynamic analysis of roof member accounting for its spatial action. application of MATLAB environment. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1999. (In Polish). Supervisor: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[490] Sz. Dużyk. Rozbudowa obiektowego programu RPd o opracowanie modułu postprocesora graficznego i wprowadzenie nowego elementu skończonego. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekun: Pabisek, E. [ bib ]
[491] Sz. Dużyk. Development of object-oriented program RPd: Graphical postprocessor and new finite element. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1999. (In Polish). Supervisor: Pabisek, E. [ bib ]
[492] M. Budziński. Zastosowanie środowiska obliczeniowego MATLAB do zagadnień MES. dynamika płyt prostokątnych, wraz z elementami optymalizacji. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekun: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[493] M. Budziński. Application of MATLAB computing environment in FEM problems. dynamics of rectangular plates with aspects of optimization. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1999. (In Polish). Supervisor: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[494] J. Kaliszuk, A. Urbańska, Z. Waszczyszyn, and K. Furtak. Neuronowa analiza trwałości zmęczeniowej betonu na podstawie badań doświadczalnych. In Mater. XLV Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB, Problemy Naukowo - Badawcze Budownictwa, Krynica 1999 [bib ]
[495] Z. Waszczyszyn, K. KuŹniar, R. Obiala, and M. Sloński. Some new results and prospects of the neural analysis of elastoplastic structures. In W. Duch, editor, Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Warsaw, pages 265--272, 1999. [ bib ]
[496] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, and S. Lukaszyk. Neural network supported computational analysis of elastoplastic structures. In W. Duch, editor, Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Warsaw, pages 273--279, 1999. [ bib ]
[497] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Hybrid nn/fem analysis of the elastoplastic plane stress problem. CAMES, 6:177--188, 1999. [ bib ]
[498] S. Lukaszyk and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid cpn / fdm analysis of an elastoplastic beam. In Rutkowski and Tadeusiewicz [bib ]
[499] K. KuŹniar and Z. Waszczyszyn. Bp neural network identification of fundamental natural periods of prefabricated buildings. In Rutkowski and Tadeusiewicz [bib ]
[500] Z. Waszczyszyn and L. Ziemiański. Neural networks in mechanics of structures and materials - new results and prospects of applications. In Wunderlich [bib ]
[501] Z. Waszczyszyn and Ed. Neural Networks in the Analysis and Design of Structures. Springer, 1999. 307 p., CISM Courses and Lectures No. 404. [ bib ]
[502] R. Putanowicz and B. H. V. Topping. Simulated annealing and mean field annealing for mesh partitioning. In Proc. 14th Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 1999. [ bib ]
[503] L. Ziemiański, R. Putanowicz, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural network estimation of proximal femur strength. In W. Duch, editor, Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Warsaw, pages 280--285, 1999. [ bib ]
[504] R. Putanowicz and Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural network identification of concrete properties. In W. Duch, editor, Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Warsaw, pages 292--297, 1999. [ bib ]
[505] R. Putanowicz and Z. Waszczyszyn. Estimation of proximal femur fracture by a regularization neural network. In Proc. 4th Conf. on Neural Networks and Their Applications, Zakopane, pages 375--380. Czestochowa University of Technology, 1999. [ bib ]
[506] W. Cecot. State of art of engineering analysis of railroad rail roller straightening process. Technical report, Semiannual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, December, 1999. [ bib ]
[507] W. Cecot. Analysis of residual stresses in railroad rails resulting from the roller straightening process with prior quenching effects taken into account. Technical report, VNTSC DOT report, Boston, October, 1999. [ bib ]
[508] W. Cecot and W. Rachowicz. Adaptive solution of problems modeled by unified state variable constitutive equations. Rzeszow, 1999. the 14th Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[509] W. Cecot and J. Orkisz. Engineering analysis of roller straightening of railroad rails. Rzeszow, 1999. the 14th Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[510] W. Cecot, L. Demkowicz, and W. Rachowicz. A two-dimensional inifinite element for Maxwell's equations. London, 1999. MAFELAP conference. [ bib ]
[511] R. de Borst and J. Pamin. On coupled gradient plastic-damage relations for stiffness degradation in cyclic loading of concrete. In A. Carosio et al., editors, 5th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics USNCCM99, page 318, Boulder, 1999. [ bib ]
[512] R. de Borst and J. Pamin. Computational and theoretical issues in gradient-enhanced plastic-damage theories. In Euromech Symposium 390 on Instability, Bifurcation and Localization in Fracture of Materials, pages 56--58, Cachan, France, 1999. ENS de Cachan. [ bib ]
[513] J. Pamin. Gradient-enhanced plasticity and damage for quasi-brittle materials. In Obiala and Stankiewicz [bib ]
[514] J. Pamin and A. Winnicki. Gradient enhanced modelling of crack band width and crack spacing in reinforced concrete. In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Analytical Models and New Concepts in Mechanics of Concrete Structures [bib ]
[515] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Algorithmic aspects of gradient-dependent plasticity and damage combinations. In Lakota et al. [bib ]
[516] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Gradient-enhanced damage and plasticity models for plain and reinforced concrete. In Wunderlich [bib ]
[517] J. Pamin, H. Askes, and R. de Borst. An element-free Galerkin method for gradient plasticity. In Wunderlich [bib ]
[518] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Stiffness degradation in gradient-dependent coupled damage-plasticity. Arch. Mech., 51(3-4):407--433, 1999. [ bib ]
[519] R. de Borst, J. Pamin, and M.G.D. Geers. On coupled gradient-dependent plasticity and damage theories with a view to localization analysis. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 18(6):939--962, 1999. [ bib ]
[520] J. Orkisz and A. Skrzat. Meshless methods, a new tool of computational analysis. In XIV Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 28-29 maj 1999. [ bib ]
[521] J. Orkisz and G. Midura. Adaptive elastic-plastic analysis of a beam modeling rails under moving contact loadings. In XIV Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 28-29 maj 1999. [ bib ]
[522] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. On recent advances in the meshless finite difference method. In XIV Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 28-29 maj 1999. [ bib ]
[523] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. A new concept of 2d/3d adaptive mesh generator for multigrid fe and meshless fd methods. In XIV Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 28-29 maj 1999. [ bib ]
[524] J. Orkisz. Klasyczne algorytmy genetyczne. In Seminarium "Sieci neuronowe, algorytmy genetyczne, zbiory rozmyte", Rzeszów, 28-29 maj 1999. [ bib ]
[525] J. Orkisz, P. Leżański, and P. Przybylski. Multigrid approach to adaptive analysis of boundary value problems by the meshless gfdm. In Proc. of the IUTAM/IACM Symp. On Disretization Methods in Structural Mechanics II, volume Kluwer Academic Publ. Dortrecht/Boston/London of 173-180., Vienna, 25-26list. 1999. [ bib ]
[526] Z. Waszczyszyn and E. Pabisek. Hybrid nn/fem analysis of the elastoplastic plane stress problem. CAMES, 6:177--188, 1999. [ bib ]
[527] E. Pabisek. Hybrid BPNN/FEM analysis of the elastoplastic plate bending. In Rutkowski and Tadeusiewicz [bib ]
[528] A. Wosatko. Naprężeniowo-przemieszczeniowe modele metody elementów skończonych dla analizy statycznej tarcz. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1999. Opiekunowie: Radwańska, M. i Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[529] A. Wosatko. Stress-displacement finite element models for static plane stress analysis. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1999. (In Polish). Supervisors: Radwańska, M. and Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[530] R. Obiala and A. Stankiewicz, editors. 11th Inter-Institute Seminar on Youth and Computational Mechanics, Janowice, Poland, 1999. Cracow University of Technology, Cracow University of Technology. [ bib ]
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[533] Wroclaw University of Technology. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Analytical Models and New Concepts in Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Wroclaw, 1999. [ bib ]
[534] L. Rutkowski and R. Tadeusiewicz, editors. Proc. 4th Conf. Neural Networks and Their Applications, Czestochowa/Zakopane, 1999. IEEE Neur. Net. Council and T.U. of Czestochowa, Pol. Neur. Net. Soc. [ bib ]
[535] W. Lakota, Z. Waszczyszyn, and L. Ziemiański, editors. Proc. 14th Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics PCCMM'99, Rzeszów, 1999. Technical University of Rzeszów. [ bib ]
[536] W. Wunderlich, editor. Proc. European Conf. on Computational Mechanics ECCM'99, Munich, 1999. Technical University of Munich. [ bib ]
[537] Piotr Pluciński and Czeslaw Cichoń. Effect of finite rotations in spatial analysis of thin-walled frames. In 10th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest,Hungary, November 23--24 1998. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[538] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid NN/FEM bending analysis of elastoplastic plates. In The 10-th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest,Hungary, November 23--24 1998. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[539] A. Stankiewicz and J. Pamin. Simulation of strain localization in materials with non-symmetric constitutive operators. In 10th Inter--Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest,Hungary, November 23--24 1998. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[540] D. Baj, M. i Pawłowski. Zastosowanie techniki superelementów do analizy wyboczenia sprężystego konstrukcji. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1998. Opiekun: Cichoń, Cz. [ bib ]
[541] M. Baj and D. Pawlowski. Application of superelements in buckling analysis of elastic structures. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1998. (In Polish). Supervisor: Cichoń, C. [ bib ]
[542] A. Hajda. Wpływ sił osiowych w prętach kratownic płaskich na ich częstości drgań własnych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1998. Opiekun: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[543] A. Hajda. Influence of axial forces on eigen frequencies of truss members. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1998. (In Polish). Supervisor: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[544] V. John and Z. Waszczyszyn. Humanities and arts in a balanced engineering education - final document and recommendations. SEFI News, 73:11--14, 1998. [ bib ]
[545] Z. Waszczyszyn and M. Janus-Michalska. Numerical approach to the 'exact' finite element analysis of in-plane finite displacements of framed structures. C&S, 69:525--535, 1998. [ bib ]
[546] Z. Waszczyszyn. Some new results in applications of backpropagation neural networks in structural and civil engineering. In B.H.V. Topping, editor, Advances in Engineering Computational Technology, pages 173--187. Civil - Comp Press, 1998. [ bib ]
[547] R. Putanowicz. Combinatorial optimization with neural networks -- application to mesh partitioning problem. In 10th Inter--Institute Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 1998. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[548] R. Putanowicz. Combinatorial optimization with neural networks -- application to mesh partitioning problem. Technical Report B-63/98, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering., 1998. [ bib ]
[549] P. Pluciński. Wyboczenie sprężyste belek i ram o przekroju cienkościennym. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1998. Opiekun: Cichoń, Cz. [ bib ]
[550] P. Pluciński. Elastic buckling of thin-walled beams and frames. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1998. (In Polish). Supervisor: Cichoń, C. [ bib ]
[551] W. Cecot and J. Orkisz. An engineering approach to numerical analsis of the process of railroad rail roller-straightening. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, June, 1998. [ bib ]
[552] W. Cecot and J. Orkisz. Shakedown analysis for materials with kinematic hardening. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, June, 1998. [ bib ]
[553] W. Cecot. On application of the Zarka approach to estimation of residual states resulting from cyclic loading. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, June, 1998. [ bib ]
[554] W. Cecot. Adaptive solution of problems modeled by unified elastic-visco-plastic constitutive equations. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, Cracow University of Technology, June, 1998. [ bib ]
[555] W. Cecot. On application of the boundary element methods for analysis of the shakedown problems. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 36:387--401, 1998. [ bib ]
[556] W. Cecot and W. Rachowicz. Development of computer package for adaptive solution of elastic-visco-plastic problems with internal state variables. Technical report, Report to Polish Committee for Scientific Research, Cracow University of Technology, 1998. [ bib ]
[557] W. Tworzydlo, W. Cecot, J. T. Oden, and C.H.Yew. Computational micro- and macroscopic models of contact and friction: formulation, approach and applications. Wear, 220:113--140, 1998. [ bib ]
[558] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Gradient plasticity combined with continuum damage for progressive failure in concrete and composites. In Mróz [bib ]
[559] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Simulation of crack spacing using a reinforced concrete model with an internal length parameter. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 68(9):613--625, 1998. [ bib ]
[560] J. Orkisz. On meshless methods. In 10th Inter Institute Seminar "Nonlinear Computational Mechanics", Budapest, Nov.23-24 1998. [ bib ]
[561] J. Orkisz. Komplastech"98 5.jubil. konf. zastosowanie komputerów w zakladach przetwórstwa metali. Bukowina Tatrzańska, 11-14.01 1998. [ bib ]
[562] J. Orkisz. Finite difference method (part iii), in handbook of computational solid mechanics". M. Kleiber (Ed.) Springer-Verlag, (336-432.), 1998. Berlin, 1998. [ bib ]
[563] J. Orkisz. Meshless finite difference method. i. basic approach. ii. adaptive approach. In Proc.of the IACM - Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, 1998. [ bib ]
[564] Budapest University of Technology and Economics. 10th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, 1998. Technical University of Budapest. [ bib ]
[565] Z. Mróz, editor. Proc. 32nd Solid Mechanics Conference SolMec'98, Warsaw, 1998. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research. [ bib ]
[566] A. Brillard and J.F. Ganghoffer, editors. Nonlocal Aspects in Solid Mechanics, Mulhouse, 1998. Euromech Colloquium 378, University of Muhlhouse. [ bib ]
[567] R. de Borst et al., editors. Proc. EURO-C 1998 Int. Conf. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Rotterdam/Brookfield, 1998. A.A. Balkema. [ bib ]
[568] W. Cecot. Formulation of a posteriori error estimation for evolution of residual stresses by the Zarka approach. Technical report, Semiannual report to US DOT VNTSC, Cracow, December 1997. [ bib ]
[569] J. Jaśkowiec and Cz. Cichoń. Parallel computing of structures with floating subdomains. In 9th Inter--Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Janowice, October 22--24 1997. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[570] A. Rajca, J. Pamin, and A. Matuszak. Numerical modelling of an implant--bone interface. In 9th Inter--Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Janowice, October 22--24 1997. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[571] W. Cecot. Preliminary numerical analysis of the process of railroad rail roller-straightening. Technical report, US DOT VNTSC report, Boston, September 1997. [ bib ]
[572] W. Cecot. On application of the Zarka model for estimation of residual stresses resulting from cyclic loading. Technical report, US DOT VNTSC report, Boston, September 1997. [ bib ]
[573] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. Mesh generator for the adaptive multigrid meshless gfd/fe analysis. In Forth US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco CA, August 6-8 1997. [ bib ]
[574] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. Mesh generator for the adaptive multigrid meshless gfd/fe analysis. In Forth US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco CA, August 6-8 1997. [ bib ]
[575] W. Cecot. Shakedown analysis of residual state resulting from cyclic loading in strain hardening materials. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT, Cracow, July 1997. [ bib ]
[576] J. Orkisz, P. Leżański, and P. Przybylski. Multigrid approach to adaptive analysis of boundary value problems by the meshless gfdm, iutam/iacm. In Symp. On Disretization Methods in Structural Mechanics II, Vienna, June 2-6 1997. [ bib ]
[577] W. Cecot. Numerical integration of unified elastic-visco-plastic constitutive models. In Proceedings of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics (PCCM XIII), pages 241--246. Poznan University of Techn, June 1997. [ bib ]
[578] W. Cecot. On application of the Zarka approach to estimation of residual strains and stresses in railroad rails. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS V), pages 1873--1878. CIMNE, March 1997. [ bib ]
[579] J. Orkisz. Adaptive approach to the finite difference method for arbitrary irregular grids. In Interdisciplinary Symp. On Advances in Computational Mechanics, Univ. of Texas, Austin TX USA, January 13-15 1997. [ bib ]
[580] P. Węgrzyn. Numeryczna analiza żelbetowej powłoki chłodni kominowej pod obciążeniem statycznym i termicznym. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1997. Opiekunowie: Radwańska, M. i Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[581] P. Wegrzyn. Numerical analysis of RC cooling tower shell under static and thermal loading. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. (In Polish). Supervisors: Radwańska, M. and Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[582] R. Obiała. Analiza efektywności wybranych strategii sterowań antysejsmicznych w prostych modelach układow konstrukcyjnych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1997. Opiekun: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[583] R. Obiala. Efficiency of selected antiseismic control strategies in simple structural models. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. (In Polish). Supervisor: Olszowski, B. [ bib ]
[584] M. Leśniak. Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do identyfikacji charakterystyk połączeń podatnych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1997. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[585] M. Leśniak. Application of artificial neural networks in identification of characteristics of compliant joints. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[586] J. Królikiewicz. Analiza porównawcza nowoczesnych elementów skończonych dla zagadnień dwuwymiarowych. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1997. Opiekun: Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[587] J. Królikiewicz. Comparative study of modern finite elements for two-dimensional problems. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. (In Polish). Supervisor: Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[588] V. John and Z. Waszczyszyn. Educating the whole engineer. In J. Szpytko and Z. Waszczyszyn, editors, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. on Humanities and Arts in a Balanced Engineering Education, pages 86--90, 1997. [ bib ]
[589] G. Mucha and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid neural-network / computational program for bending analysis of elastoplastic beams. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[590] M. Janus-Michalska and Z. Waszczyszyn. Numerical approach to exact fe analysis of finite displacements of elastoplastic plane frames. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[591] Z. Waszczyszyn, E. Pabisek, and P. Stankiewicz. Application of backpropagation neural networks to the buckling analysis of cylindrical shells. In Tadeusiewicz et al. [bib ]
[592] P. Dąbrowski, A. Seruga, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Application of artificial neural networks to the analysis of prestressing forces. In Tadeusiewicz et al. [bib ]
[593] Z. Waszczyszyn. Back-propagation neural networks in structural engineering - some new results and current problems. In Tadeusiewicz et al. [bib ]
[594] R. Putanowicz. Budowa szkieletowego programu Metody Elementów Skończonych z zastosowaniem programowania obiektowego. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1997. Opiekun: Pabisek, E. [ bib ]
[595] R. Putanowicz. Object oriented framework for Finite Element programming. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. (In Polish). Supervisor: Pabisek, E. [ bib ]
[596] R. Putanowicz and E. Pabisek. Framework for finite element method using object oriented approach. In 9th Inter--Institute Seminar, Janowice, Poland, 1997. (Abstract). [ bib ]
[597] W. Cecot. Analysis of railroad rail roller-straightening process using the Zarka approach. Janowice, 1997. 9th Inter-Institute Seminar on Num. Anal. of Structures. [ bib ]
[598] J. Orkisz and W. Cecot. Prediction of actual residual stresses resulting from cyclic loading in kinematic hardening materials. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS V), pages 1040--1042. CIMNE, Barcelona, March 1997. [ bib ]
[599] M. Radwańska, z. Waszczyszyn, and J. Bielski. On elastic-plastic finite elements for nonlinear analysis of surface structures. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[600] M. Radwańska, J. Pamin, E. Pabisek, and R. Gaweda. Inelastic finite elements in the ANKA computer code. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[601] J. Pamin. Enhanced numerical modelling of reinforced concrete. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[602] A. Moroński, J. Pamin, M. Plachecki, and Z. Waszczyszyn. Fracture and loss of stability of a partly-damaged cooling tower shell. In Hendriks et al. [bib ]
[603] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Application of the standard and enhanced rankine plasticity in the analysis of mixed mode fracture. In Hendriks et al. [bib ]
[604] J. Orkisz. Meshless finite difference method (bezsiatkowa metoda różnic skończonych. In I Krajowa Konferencja Metody i Systemy Komputerowe w Badaniach Naukowych i Projektowaniu Inżynierskim, volume III-1 - III-20., Kraków, 25-26list. 1997. [ bib ]
[605] J. Orkisz. Some remarks on higher education in poland. In II Internationale Konfrrenz Systemwandel und die Polnische Wissenschaft im Europaischen Kontext, UJ, Kraków, 23-25. Mai. 1997. [ bib ]
[606] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. Mesh generator for the adaptive multigrid meshless gfd/fe analysis. In 9th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Janowice, Oct.22-27 1997. [ bib ]
[607] J. Orkisz. Multigrid approach to adaptive analysis of b.v. problems by the meshless gfdm. In 9th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Janowice, Oct.22-27 1997. [ bib ]
[608] J. Orkisz. Fizycznie uzasadniona aproksymacja pomiarów eksperymentalnych, koncepcja - sformulowanie - przyklady zastosowań. In Sem. Szkoleniowe Badania mechanicznych wlaściwości materialów i konstrukcji, volume 7.1-7.12., Zakopane, 3-5 grudzień 1997. [ bib ]
[609] K. Morman, J. Orkisz, M. Rosenfeld, and C.A. Brebbia. Numerical analysis methods, chapter 8 in sae fatigue design handbook. Society of Automative Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, Pa., 1997., Third Edition, AE-22,, 1997. [ bib ]
[610] J. Orkisz and W. Cecot. Prediction of actual residual stresses resulting from cyclic loading in kinematic hardening material. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. Computational Plasticity, pages 1039--1042, Barcelona, Spain, 1997 1997. [ bib ]
[611] J. Orkisz and M. Pazdanowski. Estimation of net longitudinal force in cwr based on nondestructive ultrasonic measurements. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 1047--1052., Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[612] J. Orkisz and W. Cecot. Estimation of actual residual stresses resulting from cyclic loading in materials with kinematic hardening. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 1041--1046., Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[613] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, P. Przybylski, and R. Schaefer. A method engineering analysis of rails in the roller straightening process. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 1033--1040., Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[614] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, P. Przybylski, and R. Schaefer. Adaptive approach to the finite difference method generalized for arbitrary irregular meshes. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 1025--1032, Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[615] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, P. Przybylski, and R. Schaefer. Advanced computer-based technologies in modern engineering software. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 751--756., Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[616] P. Leżański, J. Orkisz, and P. Przybylski. A mesh generator for an adaptive multigrid method. In Proc.of the XIII Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 743--750., Poznań Poland, 1997. [ bib ]
[617] A. Rajca. FEM application in biomechanical problems related to total hip replacement. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1997. Supervisors: Pamin, J. and Matuszak, A. [ bib ]
[618] A. Rajca. Generator siatek, triangle. Technical Report L--5/B--28/97, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inynierii Ldowej, 1997. [ bib ]
[619] A. Rajca. Mesh generator, triangle. Technical Report L--5/B--28/97, Institute of Comp. Meth. in Civil Engng., 1997. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[620] A. Matuszak. Raw, element--by--element postprocessing method that can help to verify accuracy of solution. In Garstecki and Rakowski [bib ]
[621] A. Matuszak. Localization in biomechanics. Technical Report L--5/B--51/97, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engng., 1997. [ bib ]
[622] R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Rutkowski, and J. Chojcan, editors. Proc. 3th Conf. Neural Networks and Their Applications, Czestochowa/Kule, 1997. Silesian T.U. and T.U. of Czestochowa, Pol. Neur. Net. Soc. ISBN 83-90-85-87-03. [ bib ]
[623] A. Garstecki and J. Rakowski, editors. Proc. 13th Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics PCCMM'97, Poznań, 1997. Poznań University of Technology. [ bib ]
[624] M.A.N. Hendriks et al., editors. Proc. 2nd Int. DIANA Conf. on Finite Elements in Engineering and Science, Dordrecht, 1997. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [ bib ]
[625] D.R.J. Owen et al., editors. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, 1997. CIMNE. [ bib ]
[626] W. Cecot and J. Orkisz. Shakedown analysis of actual residual stresses in kinematic hardening materials cyclicly loaded. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, June 1996. [ bib ]
[627] W. Cecot. On analysis of residual states by Zarka's approach. Technical report, Annual report to US DOT under grant DTFR53-95-G-00055, June 1996. [ bib ]
[628] M. Waga. Duże przemieszczenia płaskich ram sprężystych z połączeniami półsztywnymi. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1996. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[629] M. Waga. Large displacements of flat elastic frames with semi-rigid joints. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1996. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[630] G. Mucha. Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do analizy wybranych zagadnień mechaniki konstrukcji. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1996. Opiekun: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[631] G. Mucha. Application of artificial neural networks in selected problems of structural mechanics. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1996. (In Polish). Supervisor: Waszczyszyn, Z. [ bib ]
[632] A. Moroński. Analiza zarysowania i utraty stateczności uszkodzonej powłoki żelbetowej chłodni kominowej. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1996. Opiekun: Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[633] A. Moroński. Analysis of fracture and loss of stability for damaged RC cooling tower shell. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1996. (In Polish). Supervisor: Pamin, J. [ bib ]
[634] R. Jarek, B. i Ryś. Projekt koncepcyjny stalowego mostu pływającego. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1996. Opiekunowie: Cichoń, Cz. i Furtak, K. [ bib ]
[635] B. Jarek and R. Ryś. Concept design of floating steel bridge. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1996. (In Polish), Supervisors: Cichoń, C. and Furtak, K. [ bib ]
[636] Z. Waszczyszyn. ... In Proc. Conf. on New Trends in Mechanics Teaching Kolobrzeg'96, pages 229--238. Politechnika Koszalińska, 1996. [ bib ]
[637] Z. Waszczyszyn. Placing of mechanics in student curricula. In Proc. Conf. on New Trends in Mechanics Teaching Kolobrzeg'96, pages 229--238. Politechnika Koszalińska, 1996. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[638] Z. Waszczyszyn. Standard versus refined neural networks applications in civil engineering problems - an overview. In Rutkowski [bib ]
[639] Z. Waszczyszyn. Some recent and current problems of neurocomputing in civil and structural engineering. In B.H.V. Topping, editor, Advances in Computational Structures Technology, pages 43--58. Civil - Comp Press, 1996. [ bib ]
[640] Z. Waszczyszyn. Sieci neuronowe w mechanice konstrukcji - dotychczasowe osiągnięcia i przyszłe obszary zastosowań, pages 403--416. Politechnika Warszawska, 1996. [ bib ]
[641] Z. Waszczyszyn. Neural networks in structural mechanics - current results and prospects of applications, pages 403--416. Warsaw Univ. of Technology, 1996. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[642] Z. Waszczyszyn. Sztuczne sieci neuronowe w dynamice konstrukcji. In Proc. 9th Symp. Structural Dynamics, volume 151, Zesz. Nauk., pages 107--127. Politechnika Rzeszowska, 1996. [ bib ]
[643] Z. Waszczyszyn. Artificial neural networks in structural dynamics. In Proc. 9th Symp. Structural Dynamics, volume 151, Zesz. Nauk., pages 107--127. Politechnika Rzeszowska, 1996. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[644] R. Putanowicz. Graficzna prezentacja danych z wykorzystaniem standardowych narzędzi środowiska unix. Technical Report B-22/96, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 1996. [ bib ]
[645] R. Putanowicz. Graphical data presentation with standard unix tools. Technical Report B-22/96, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering., 1996. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[646] M. Radwańska and E. Pabisek. Zastosowanie systemu metody elementów skończonych ANKA do analizy statyki i stateczności ustrojów powierzchniowych. Technical report, Politechnika Krakowska, 1996. [ bib ]
[647] M. Radwańska and E. Pabisek. Application of ANKA-FEM code to static and stability analysis of surface structures. Technical report, CUT, 1996. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[648] J. Pamin. Gradient-enhanced plasticity-based modelling of fracture in plain and reinforced concrete. In 8-th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics [bib ]
[649] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Gradient-dependent plasticity in the simulation of reinforced concrete fracture. In Weigl [bib ]
[650] R. de Borst and J. Pamin. Gradient plasticity in numerical simulation of concrete cracking. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 15:295--320, 1996. [ bib ]
[651] R. de Borst and J. Pamin. Some novel developments in finite element procedures for gradient-dependent plasticity. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 39:2477--2505, 1996. [ bib ]
[652] J. Orkisz and A. Skrzat. Evaluation of residual stresses in railroad rails by theoretical and experimental approaches. In 10th Polish Conference on Metallurgical Applications, pages 188--198, Koninki Poland, 5-8 Jan 1996. Warsaw, 1996. [ bib ]
[653] J. Orkisz. Adaptive analysis of boundary value problems by the finite difference method at arbitrary irregular meshes - concepts and formulation. In VII Miedzyinstytutowe Seminarium Polsko-Wegierskie, Budapeszt, 16-18 Oct. 1996. [ bib ]
[654] J. Orkisz. Metoda różnic skończonych w komputerowe metody mechaniki ciał stałych. M. Kleiber ed.., PWN, 1996. Warsaw, 1996. [ bib ]
[655] J. Orkisz and M. Pazdanowski. On analysis of residual stresses in the elastic-plastic bodies subject to cyclic loadings; recent developments - concepts and applications. In VII Miedzyinstytutowe Seminarium Polsko-Wegierskie, Budapeszt, 16-18 Oct. 1996. [ bib ]
[656] J. Orkisz and A. Skrzat. Reconstruction of residual stresses in railroad vehicle wheels based on enhanced saw cut measurements, formulation and benchmark tests. WEAR, (191):188 --198, 1996. Warsaw, 1996. [ bib ]
[657] A. Matuszak. Mechaniczna niezgodność kości i implantu. Technical Report L--5/B--15/96, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej, 1996. [ bib ]
[658] A. Matuszak. Mechanical incompatibility of bone and implant. Technical Report L--5/B--15/96, Institute of Comp. Meth. in Civil Engng., 1996. (In Polish). [ bib ]
[659] L. Rutkowski, editor. Proc. 2nd Conf. Neural Networks and Their Applications, Szczyrk/Czestochowa, 1996. T.U. of Czestochowa, Pol. Neur. Net. Soc. ISSN 1234-9895. [ bib ]
[660] M. Weigl, editor. Proc. 31th Polish Solid Mechanics Conference SolMec'96, Warsaw-Mierki, 1996. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research. [ bib ]
[661] Budapest University of Technology and Economics. 8-th Inter-Institute Seminar on Nonlinear Computational Mechanics, Budapest, 1996. Technical University of Budapest. [ bib ]
[662] R. Gawęda. Analiza statyki i wyboczenia belek i ram za pomocą elementów skończonych uwzględniających efekty ściskania i zginania ze ścinaniem. Praca dyplomowa, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1995. Opiekun: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[663] R. Gaweda. Statics and buckling of beams and frames using finite elements incorporating the effects of compression and bending with shear. Diploma work, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, 1995. (In Polish). Supervisor: Radwańska, M. [ bib ]
[664] Z. Waszczyszyn. Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych w iżnynierii lądowej. In Proc. 41st Polish Civil Eng. Conf., volume 9, pages 51--288, 1995. [ bib ]
[665] Z. Waszczyszyn. Applications of artificial neural networks in structural engineering. In Proc. 41st Polish Civil Eng. Conf., volume 9, pages 51--288, 1995. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[666] W. Cecot and W. Tworzydlo. Finite element analysis of an elastic-visco-plastic asperity in contact with a rigid flat. Zegrze, 1995. the 12th Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[667] W. Cecot. On two different models of elastic-plastic bodies and their application to problems with cyclic loading. Cracow, 1995. 7th Inter-Institute Seminar on Num. Anal. of Structures. [ bib ]
[668] M. Radwańska and W. Okapa. Buckling analysis of plate structure bu finite elements with six degrees of freedom per node. In Computer Methods in Mechanics, pages 248--249, 1995. Proc. XII Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics. [ bib ]
[669] Z. Jamroży M. Radwanska. Oszacowanie stateczności hiperboloidalnej chłodni kominowej ze znacznymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi, pages 49--64. Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddział w Krakowie, 1995. ISBN 83-86726-03-2. [ bib ]
[670] M. Radwańska and Z. Jamrozy. Evaluation stability of a hyperbolic cooling tower with large geometrical imprefections, pages 49--64. Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow Branch, 1995. (in Polish), ISBN 83-86726-03-2. [ bib ]
[671] M. Radwańska and Z. Waszczyszyn. Buckling analysis of a cooling tower shell with measured and theoretically-modelled imperfections. Thin-walled structures, 23:107--121, 1995. [ bib ]
[672] M. Radwańska. Wzorcowe przykłady z przedmiotu ustroje powierzchniowe. Technical report, Politechnika Krakowska, 1995. [ bib ]
[673] M. Radwańska. Analysis of surface structures: model examples. Technical report, CUT, 1995. (in Polish). [ bib ]
[674] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. A gradient-enhanced model of concrete fracture. In PCCMM'95 [bib ]
[675] R. de Borst, J. Pamin, J.C.J. Schellekens, and L.J. Sluys. Continuum methods for localised failure. In G. Baker and B.L. Karihaloo, editors, Proc. IUTAM Symp. on Fracture of Brittle Disordered Materials: Concrete, Rock and Ceramics, pages 249--263. E&FN Spon, 1995. [ bib ]
[676] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Gradient-enhanced smeared crack models for finite element analysis of plain and reinforced concrete. In Wittmann [bib ]
[677] J. Pamin and R. de Borst. Numerical simulation of localization phenomena using gradient plasticity and finite elements. Heron, 40:71--92, 1995. [ bib ]
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[777] E. Pabisek and Z. Waszczyszyn. Hybrid aproach to identification of elastic plate parameters applyining GWM and ANN. In Proc. of European Conf. on Computational Mechanics ECCM V, pages Two--page abstract on CDROM, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014. [ bib ]
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