Scientific Programme


The ECCM-2001 scientific programme was composed of the Plenary Sessions, Parallel Keynote Sessions and Mini-Symposia Sessions. In the frame of 13 parallel streams 125 Sessions of 33 Mini-Symposia were arranged. Each Mini-Symposium was a sequence of sessions placed in the same lecture room. In the frame of Mini-Symposia the Invited Keynote Lectures were delivered.

A plenary lecturer had 40 minutes for delivering his lecture and 5 minutes for discussion. 30+5 minutes were given to Keynote Lecturers in Parallel Sessions and Invited Speakers in Mini-Symposia. Half of that time was at disposal of each participant to present his/her contribution to Mini-Symposia.

Conference Topics
Plenary Lectures
Parallel Keynote Lectures
Mini-Syposia and their Organisers
Keynote Lectures in Mini-Symposia
Conference Schedule

* Asterisk denotes the presenting author


Plenary Lectures

Prof. J. Tinsley Oden, Texas University at Austin,USA
Opening Lecture
author : J. Tinsley Oden
title: Adaptive Modelling in Computational Solid Mechanics

Prof. Herbert Mang, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Closing Lecture
authors : H.A. Mang, R. Lackner, B. Pichler, Y. Spira
title: A Synthesis of Constitutive Modelling and Computational Mechanics

Prof. Roger Owen, University of Wales, UK
authors : D.R.J. Owen, Y.T. Feng, P.A. Klerck, J. Yu, A.J.L. Crook
title: Compuatational strategies for multi-fracturing solids and particulate media

Prof. Ekkehard Ramm, University of Stuttgart, Germany
authors : E. Ramm, W.A. Wall
title: Interaction of Fluids and Thin Structures

Prof. Bernhard Schrefler, University of Padova, Italy
author : B.A. Schrefler
title: Thermodynamics of Saturated-Unsaturated Porous Materials and Quantitative Solutions: the Isothermal Case

Prof. Peter Wriggers, University of Hannover, Germany
authors : P. Wriggers, T.I. Zohdi
title: Computational Testing of New Materials


Parallel Keynote Lectures

Prof. Mark Ainsworth (UK)
author : M. Ainsworth
title: A Posteriori Error Estimation for Non-conforming Finite Element Methods

Prof. Oliver Allix (USA)
authors : O. Allix*, J. Sen Gupta
title: Composite damage meso-model for impact problem: Application to 3D C/C material

Prof. Leszek Demkowicz (USA)
authors : L. Demkowicz*, A. Bajer
title: Dynamic Contact/Impact Problems, Energy Conservation and Planetary Gear Trains

Dr. Gerhard A. Holzapfel (Austria)
authors : G.A.Holzapfel*, C.T. Gasser, M. Stadler, C. Schulze-Bauer
title:Computational Biomechanics of Soft Tissue

Prof. Miloslav Okrouhlik (Czech Republic)
author : M. Okrouhlik
title: Computational Aspects of Stress Wave Propagation

Prof. Eugenio Ońate (Spain)
authors : E. Ońate*, J. Rojek, R. L. Taylor, O. C. Zienkiewicz
title: Linear Triangles and Tetrahedra for Incompressible Problems Using a Finite Calculus Formulation

Prof. Djordje Peric (UK)
author : D. Peric
title: Some Aspects of Lagrangian Finite Element Analysis of Flows with Free Surfaces and Interfaces

Prof. B. Daya Reddy (South Africa)
authors : B. Daya Reddy*, O. Ehl
title: Stable and efficient finite elements for Mindlin-Reissner plates

Prof. G.I. Schueller (Austria)
author : G.I. Schueller
title: On Computational Procedures for Processing Uncertainties in Structural Mechanics

Dr. L.J. Sluys (The Netherlands)
authors : L.J. Sluys*, Y. Estrin, G.N. Wells
title: Multilevel analysis of localisation problems

Prof. Erwin Stein (Germany)
authors : E. Stein*, M. Rüter, R. Niekamp, S. Ohnimus, A. Idesman
title: Adaptive Finite Element Discretization and Modelling in Structural Mechanics

Prof. Paul Steinmann (Germany)
author : P. Steinmann
title: A View on the Theory and Computation of Hyperelastic Defect Mechanics



Keynote Lectures in Mini-Symposia


Prof. Robert L. Taylor (USA)
authors : M. Bischoff, R.L. Taylor*
title: A three-dimensional shell element with an exact thin limit

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese (Germany)
author : S. Reese
title: On a new finite element technology to treat large inelastic deformations and thermo-mechanical coupling

Prof. Didier Clouteau (France)
author : D. Clouteau
title: Boundary integral equation and boundary element for dynamic stochastic analysis in uncertain environments

Prof. G. Kuhn (Germany)
authors : G. Kuhn*, M. Hass
title: Symmetric coupling of three-dimensional BE domains with two-dimensional FE structures

Prof. Janusz Orkisz (Poland)
author : J. Orkisz
title: Recent advances in the meshless finite difference method


Prof. Ismael Herrera (Mexico)
author : I. Herrera
title: A general theory of Trefftz methods and domain decomposition

Prof. Don Kelly (Australia)
authors : D.W. Kelly*, T. Cao
title: Pointwise recovery for finite element solution of computable pointwise error estimates in engineering: a superconvergent and local approach

Prof. J. Tinsley Oden (USA)
authors : J.T. Oden*, S. Prudhomme, T. Westermann, J. Bass
title: Progress on Practical Methods of Error Estimation for Engineering Calculations

Prof. Nils-Erik Wiberg (Sweden)
authors : P. Kettil, N.-E. Wiberg*
title: Adaptive 3D finite element solid modelling in structural design

Prof. Helmut J. Pradlwarter (Austria)
author : H.J. Pradlwarter
title: On the significance of deterministic FE-procedures in stochastic structural analysis

Prof. Manolis Papadrakakis (Greece)
authors : M. Papadrakakis*, N.D. Lagaros, Y. Fragakis
title: Parallel computational strategies for structural optimization

Prof. Kurt Marti (Germany)
author: K. Marti
title: Plastic structural analysis under stochastic uncertainty

Dr. Louis Komzsik (USA)

author : L. Komzsik
title: High performance normal modes analysis

Dr. Michele Chiumenti (Spain)
authors : M. Chiumenti*, C. Agelet de Saracibar, M. Cervera, E. Onate, G. Duffett
title: Constitutive modelling and numerical simulation of casting materials

Prof. Lionel Fourment (France)
authors : L. Fourment*, S. H. Chung, J.-L. Chenot
title: Direct and adjoint differentiation methods for shape optimization in non-steady forming appllications

Prof. Rolands Rikards (Latvia)
author : R. Rikards
title: Response surface method in solution of structural optimization and identification problems

Prof. Masataka Tanaka (Japan)
author : M. Tanaka
title: Some advanced applications of the boundary element method to inverse problems in engineering

Prof. Joăo Arménio Correia Martins (Portugal)
authors : J.A.C. Martins*, A.Pinto da Costa
title: Computation of bifurcations and instabilities in some frictional contact problems

Prof. Jean-Loup Chenot (France)
author : J.-L. Chenot
title: Present and future challenges in 3-D finite element simulation of forging process in industry

Dr. Serge Piperno (France)
authors : S. Piperno*, Ch. Farhat
title: Design of efficient partitioned procedures for transient nonlinear aeroelastic problems based on energy exchange criteria

Dr. David Burnett (Italy)
author : D.S. Burnett
title: Large-scale, 3-D, high fidelity, broadband structural acoustic modeling

Prof. K. Thoma (Germany)
authors : K. Thoma*, S. Hiermaier, H. Werner
title: High velocity impact and crashworthiness modelling: current applications, limitations and new developments

MS17 Prof. Christian Miehe (Germany)
author : C. Miehe*, M. Lambrecht, J. Schotte
title: Computational plasticity of materials with micro-structures at finite strains based on an incremental variational formulation

authors : K. Willam, I Rhee, G. Beyklin
title: Multiresolution analysis of elastic degradation in heterogeneous materials

Prof. Marcin Ostoja-Starzewski (USA)
author : M. Ostoja-Starzewski
title: The use, misuse, and abuse of stochastics in mechanics of random media

Prof. Jozef Joachim Telega (Poland)
authors : J.J. Telega*, S. Tokarzewski
title: Application of continued fractions and Pade approximants to estimation of effective moduli of composites

Prof. Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (France)
authors : G. Pijaudier-Cabot*, C. Le Bellego, B. Gerard, K. Haidar, J.F. Dube
title: Scaling of structural strength and non-local damage for failure analysis

Prof. Milan Jirasek (Switzerland)
authors : M. Jirasek*, B. Patzak
title: Models for quasibrittle failure: theoretical and computational aspects

Prof. Rene de Borst (The Netherlands)
authors : R. de Borst* & O.M. Heeres, A.S.J. Suiker
title: Some recent issues in computational plasticity

Prof. Dieter Weichert (Germany)
authors : D. Weichert, A. Hachemi
title: A survey of selected recent achievements in theory and application of direct methods

Prof. Guenter Hofstetter (Austria)
authors : G. Oettl, R.F. Stark, G. Hofstetter*
title: Numerical simulation of tunneling under compressed air

Prof. Jos Vander Sloten (Belgium)
author : J. Vander Sloten
title: Generation and regeneration of bones: contributions of biomechanics

Prof. Marie Oshima (Japan)
author : M. Oshima
title: Experimental and numerical investigation of blood flow in the cerebral artery

Dr Mieczyslaw Sylwester Kuczma (Poland)
author : M.S. Kuczma
title: On the problem of martensitic phase transformation

Prof. R.H.W. Hoppe (Germany)
author : Ronald H.W. Hoppe
title: Efficient numerical techniques in electromagnetic field computation

Prof. Pierre Ladeveze (France)
authors : P. Ladeveze*, G. Lubineau
title: Micro-meso issues of damage localization and fracture in laminated composites

Prof. Wilfried B. Kraetzig (Germany)
authors : W.B. Kraetzig* and Y.S. Petryna
title: Damage, failure and fatigue analysis in structural dynamics of reinforced concrete structures

Prof. Olivier A. Bauchau (USA)
authors : O.A. Bauchau*, J. Y. Choi, C. L. Bottasso
title: An energy decaying scheme for nonlinear dynamics of shells

Prof. Andres Kecskemethy (Austria)
authors : A. Kecskementhy*, CH. Lange, G. Grabner
title:Object-oriented modelling of multibody dynamics including impacts

Prof. J. Michael Rotter (UK)
author : J.M. Rotter
title: Shell analysis and its use in design within the framework of the new European standard

Prof. Alain Combescure (France)
authors : A. Combescure, G. Nefussi, G. Teuma
title: Prediction of non symmetric instabilities of axisymmetric structures experiencing large strains

Prof. Jan Holnicki-Szulc (Poland)
authors : J. Holnicki-Szulc*, T. Bielecki
title: Design of adaptive structures virtual distortion method approach

Prof. Guenther Meschke (Germany)
authors : G. Meschke*, S. Grasberger, P. Dumstorff, A. Flatten, F. Bangert, D. Kuhl,
title: Life-time oriented multifield FE-analyses of concrete structures

Dr. A. Kytaygorodsky (Ukraine)
authors : E. Bespalova, A. Kytaygorodsky*
title: Computer decomposition of 3D elastic stationary problems of the elasticity theory


Conference Topics

Computational Methods

- Advances in FEM
- Optimization and sensitivity
- Advances in BEM
- Stochastic methods
- Error control and adaptivity
- Domain decomposition
- Meshless methods
- High performance computing
- Inverse problems
- Soft computing

Computational Solid Mechanics

- Material modelling
- Smart materials
- Finite deformations
- Homogenization and localization
- Viscoelasticity and creep
- Geomechanics
- Plasticity and viscoplasticity
- Micromechanics and multiscale problems
- Contact problems
- Damage, fracture, fatigue
- Impact and wave propagation
- Composites
- Experimental mechanics

Computational Structural Mechanics

- Nonlinear analysis of framed structures
- Multibody dynamics and robotics
- Plates and shells
- Impact and crash-worthiness
- Structural stability
- Composite structures
- Dynamics and transient problems
- Smart structures
- Reliability and safety
- Forming processes
- Engineering structures

Coupled Problems

- Fluid-structures/solid interaction
- Thermomechanics
- Biomechanics
- Earthquake and wind engineering
- Acoustics and electromagnetics
- Phase transformations

Industrial Applications

- Commercial software for mechanics
- Relevant case studies

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