Keynote Lectures in Mini-Symposia




    1. Advanced Finite Elements :

    E. Ramm (, Germany;

    M. Bischoff (, Germany;

    W.A. Wall (, Germany.


    2. Advances in BE Methods :

    M. Bonnet (, France;

    T. Burczyński (, Poland.


    3. Meshless Methods:

    T. Liszka ( ), USA;

    J. Orkisz (, Poland.


    4. Trefftz Methods in FEM and BEM

    V. Kompis (, Slovakia;

    A. Zieliński (, Poland.


    5. Adaptive Methods and Error Estimation :

    M.Ainsworth (, UK;

    W. Rachowicz (, Poland.


    6. Applications of FE Adaptivity in Solid Mechanics:

    N-E. Wiberg (, Sweden.


    7. Stochastic Methods and Durability:

    G.Schueller (, Austria;

    K.Doliński (, Poland.


    8. High-Perfomance Computing in Mechanics:

    M. Papadrakakis (, Greece;

    M. Niezgódka (, Poland.


    9. Soft Computing in Mechanics:

    G. Thierauf (, Germany;

    Z. Waszczyszyn (, Poland.


    10. Advances in Commercial Software for Mechanics:

    W. Tworzydlo (, USA;

    M. Kowalczyk (, Poland.


    11. Optimization and Sensitivity:

    Z.Mróz (, Poland;

    A. Garstecki (, Poland.


    12. Inverse Problems in Computational Mechanics:

    M.Tanaka (, Japan;

    A. Nowak (, Poland.


    13. Contact Problems:

    P. Wriggers (, Germany;

    L. Fourment (, France.


    14. Forming Processes:

    J.-L. Chenot (, France.

    M. Pietrzyk (, Poland.


    15. Fluid-Structure Interaction and Other Coupled Problems:

    R. Ohayon (, France;

    F. Ihlenburg (, Germany.


    16. High Velocity Impact and Crash-Worthiness:

    N. Gebbeken (Norbert.gebbeken@UniBW-Muenchen), Germany;


    17. Micromechanics and Multiscale Problems:

    Ch. Miehe (, Germany;

    G. Szefer (, Poland.


    18. Heterogeneous Materials and Homogenization:

    T. Zohdi (, Germany;

    T. Lewiński (, Poland.


    19. Damage, Fracture and Failure:

    P. Ladeveze (, France;

    J. Skrzypek (, Poland.


    20. Computational Plasticity :

    R. de Borst (, The Netherlands;

    T. Łodygowski (, Poland.


    21. Direct Methods for Limit-State and Shakedown Analyses:

    G. Maier (maier@stru.polimi.if), Italy;

    D. Weichert (, Germany.


    22. Computational Geomechanics:

    W. Gryczmański(, Poland;

    A. Truty (, Poland.


    23. Computational Biomechanics:

    G. Holzapfel (, Austria;

    R. Bedziński (, Poland.


    24. Computational Thermomechanics and Phase Transformations:

    I.Paczelt (, Hungary;

    M. Kuczma (, Poland;


    25. Computational Acoustics and Electromagnetics:

    L. Demkowicz (, USA;

    U. Langer (, Austria.


    26. Computationally Assisted Experimental Mechanics:

    J. Eberhardsteiner (, Austria;

    L. Dietrich (, Poland.


    27. Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures:

    O. Allix (, France;

    A. Muc (, Poland.


    28. Computational Dynamics and Transient Problems:

    C. Borri (, Italy;

    M. Geradin (, Belgium.


    29. Computational Multibody Dynamics and Robotics:

    J. Ambrosio (, Portugal;

    A. Borkowski (, Poland.


    30. Computational Stability of Structures:

    J. Arbocz (, The Netherlands,

    A. Combescure (, France;

    Cz. Cichoń (, Poland.


    31. Smart Materials and Structures :

    J. Rodellar (, Spain;

    J. Holnicki-Szulc (, Poland.


    32. Engineering Applications with Emphasis to Multifield Problems:

    H. Mang (, Austria;

    G. Meschke (, Germany.


    33. Other Problems of Computational Mechanics:

    M. Kleiber (, Poland;

    Z. Waszczyszyn (, Poland.


    The above listed Mini-Symposia can be combined, rearranged or completed by new Mini-Symposia depending on the variety of selected papers on the basis of submitted abstracts. The Organizers of the Mini-Symposia will suggest the Invited Lectures, arrange the reviewing process, and select and classify papers for presentation during the Mini-Symposia Sessions.

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