Educational Fields
Teaching Activities:
- 6 textbooks (2 authored, 3 co-authored, 1 translated)
- Lectures on undergraduate, graduate courses and Ph.D. courses at CUT:
- Strength of Materials
- Structural Mechanics
- Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
- Theory of Plates and Shells
- Numerical and Computer Methods
- Computer Science and Programming
- Neural Networks and Soft Computing
- Eligible courses for M.Sc. and Ph. D. students at CUST, TU Delft, Heriot-Watt Univ. Edinburgh, Univ. di Firenze, Budapest UTE, TU Wien:
- Nonlinear Mechanics
- FEM and Stability of Structures
- Computational Methods
- Neural Networks in Structural Engineering
- Summer Schools and Advanced Courses (organiser and/or lecturer):
- Stability of Structures, Janowice. Poland 1980, 1985, 1990
- Nonstandard Methods in Structural Mechanics, Janowice, 1997
- Neural Networks in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, CISM, Udine, Italy, 1998
- Neural Networks in Structural Engineering, Univ. di Firenze, Italy, 1999
- Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Sets (in Polish), Rzeszów Univ. of Technology Poland, 1999
- Parameter Identification of Materials and Structures, CISM, Udine, Italy, 2003
Reasearch and Organizing Activity for Education:
- 7 papers
- Organizer and Chairman of Seminar on Educating the Whole Engineer The Role of Non-Technical Subjects in Engineering Curricula, Cracow, 1995
- Vice-Chairman of SEFI Annual Conference on Humanities and Arts in a Balanced Engineering Education, Cracow, 1997
- Supervisor of 8 M. Sc. Theses of students from CUST, Univ. Blaise Pascal de Clermont- Ferrand, France, 1990-98
- Polish Coordinator of two TEMPUS Projects
- JEP- 0438 / 91: Conception assisteé par ordinateur des structures incluant les compotments complexes des materiaux et l`optimisation, Coordinator: Prof. G. Guerlement, Fac. Polytech. de Mons. Belgium, 1991-94
- JEP- 2184 / 92: Eurocodes el calcul des structures par methods informatiques, Coordinator: Prof. J.-P. Muzeau, CUST, Clermont-Ferand, 1992-95
- Member of Jury for D. Th. at the Univ. Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, 1990-1998
- CTU Coordinator of CEEPUS Mobility for cooperation with Budapest UTC and TU Wien
- Head of the Standing Seminar on Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Eng., CUT, since 1995 (more than 20 participants from the South Poland universities and research units)