
Miscellaneous tips


1) Importing directory
   cd e_lib
   cvs import -m "Import of SECT E-Lib" e_lib SECT-E-LIB E-LIB-1-0

2) Creating module
   cvs checkout CVSROOT/modules
      edit the file modules and add the lines:
      e_lib e_lib
   cvs commit -m "Added the e_lib module." modules
   cd ..
   cvs release -d CVSROOT

#1 gcc options
   bounds checking : gcc -g -fbounds-checking

#2 tool for geting POP-3 emails : fetchpop

#3 Nice desktop colors:
   green background - #4c9d7c
   sandy vim background - #fcf0cf

#4 Instalation Tcl/Tk
   Options for configuring Tcl : --enable-gcc --enable-threads
   Options for configuring Tk : --enable-gcc --enable-threads

# Options for mkisofs :
     -a -f -T -R -r -o output.iso -x exclude_path
     -a -o  output-14.10.00.iso -r -T -v /home/romek

# writing a cd
  cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=1,0 _media_putanowr_cpp_programming.iso

# C code flow
   prr in prteri/bin

# Compiling with full warnings
make CFLAGS="-ansi -pedantic -Werror -W -Wall -Wtraditional -Wconversion
-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings
-Wstrict-prototypes -fshort-enums -fno-common -Wmissing-prototypes
-Wnested-externs -Dinline= -g -O4"

# Getting bounding box from postscript:
gs -sDEVICE=bbox

# How to enable backing store in X
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers::0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp +bs

# making patch form cvs
cvs diff -c file > patch

#making XFig library
a) use
        -library_dir file where file list absolute paths to
         directories containing the libraries looks like:

/usr/share/xfig/Libraries   XFig default libraries
/home/prac/putanowr/share/xfig/Libraries My Libraries

b) put libraries in a DIR and either use -library_dir DIR
or set XFIGLIBDIR envronment variable.

# list all classes in file
ctags  -x --c-types=c complex3d.h | cut -d " " -f 1

# executing vim script for each file
for i in *.tpl; do vim -c "source fun" -c "call MySub()" -c "wq" $i; done

#porownywanie kartoteki GrAL
diff --brief --recursive --exclude=CVS --exclude=TRANS.TBL --exclude=mk.config --exclude='*.defs' --
exclude="*.exp" /mnt/extra/romek/work/GrAL/ .

#obsluga zewnetrznego cvs dla GrAL
cvs -d update

#podwyrazenia w sed w vim:

# uruchamianie dx
dx -execute_on_change -image -program

# getting getfem++ from svn repository
svn co getfem

# configuring getfem
./configure --enable-superlu --enable-qhull --enable-boost  --enable-python --enable-shared --with-p
ic --prefix=/home/prac/putanowr/space/install

svnadmin create /mnt/space/putanowr/svn/

# Creating trac site:
mkdir /mnt/space/putanowr/intranet/trac
trac-admin /mnt/space/putanowr/intranet/trac/ initenv

# uruchamianie servera tracd z autentykacją:
tracd --port 8000 --basic-auth=trac,/mnt/space/putanowr/intranet/trac/.htpasswd,/mnt/space/putanowr/
intranet/trac /mnt/space/putanowr/intranet/trac

#Uruchamianie OPEN MPI na foo:
mpirun --mca btl tcp,self -np 2 ex24.exe

# powiekszanie strony
cat | psnup -m-1.5cm -b-2cm | psbook | psnup -pa4 -m-1cm -2 >

# informacje o sprzecie
RAM to po prostu free
CPU to cat /proc/cpuinfo
sprzet to lspci

#listing subversion repository contenst
svn ls file:///home/svn/svn1/cst
svn ls svn+ssh://putanowr@jinx/home/svn/svn1/cst

#creating new repository project
mkdir myProject
cd project
touch content
svn import . file:///home/svn/svn1/playground/myProject

# drukowanie z polskimi znakami
a2ps ala -R -1 -o -X iso2

#how to find all users in a group
getent group {groupname}

# Branching SVN repository
svn info svn+ssh://putanowr@jinx/home/svn/svn1/femdk_tutorials/interp1D/trunk |
grep Revision
svn cp svn+ssh://putanowr@jinx/home/svn/svn1/femdk_tutorials/interp1D/trunk
-m "Branching from trunk to Step 1 at revision 1"

# How to check Debian version
more /etc/debian_version

# Logowanie się na perszerona

# swig sphinx
/tmp/bin/swig  -c++ -sphinx -DON_CLASS -DON_EXTERN_DECL -DON_DECL

# Scaling pdf
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dSAFER \
  -dCompatibilityLevel="1.3" -dPDFSETTINGS="/printer" \
  -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true \
  -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile="out.pdf" \
  -c "<</BeginPage{1.35 1.35 scale -70 -130 translate}>> setpagedevice" \
  -f SM.pdf

$ svn copy \
           -m "Tagging the 1.0 release of the 'calc' project."
# formating paragraph in vi

# digitizing graphs

# default encoding for gnome terminal
gconftool --set --type=string /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/encoding ISO-8859-1

# mutt selecting messages:
You need to run the tag-pattern command. The default for that is T (Shift+t). Yo
u can then give it a regular expression. By default this will match message subj

If you need to select a range of messages by number, you can provide the ~m [MIN
]-[MAX] pattern to tag-pattern. There are many other options I've found useful o
ver the years, and you can see a complete list in the “Advanced Usage - Patterns
” section of the manual.

You can also use t to tag or untag the highlighted message, to fine-tune the sel

Then you can run tag-prefix (;) followed by save-message (s), and it will prompt
 you for a mailbox name. This command marks the saved messages to be deleted; th
ere is also the copy-message command (C, i.e. Shift+c) to copy without marking f
or deletion.

# https instead of git
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

# setup variabe for git access
export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true

# addning new boos source
boss add-source my-remote

# updating brang to sync with trunk
cd /space/work/iga/branches/rp_version
putanowr@tomi:/space/work/iga/branches/rp_version$ svn merge
  • en/research/notebook/misctips.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/10/02 15:54
  • (external edit)