startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
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Praca magisterska - Wyboczenie sprężyste belek i ram o przekroju cienkościennym pdf
Studia magisterskie na kierunku Mechanika Komputerowa, Politechnika Krakowska
2019 - teraz
2011 - 2019
2006 - 2011
1998 - 2006
Adiunkt badawczo-dydaktyczny, Katedra Technologii Informatycznych w Inżynierii
Adiunkt, Instytut Technologii Informatycznych w Inżynierii Lądowej
Asystent naukowo-dydaktyczny, Instytut Technologii Informatycznych w Inżynierii Lądowej
Asystent naukowo-dydaktyczny, Instytut Metod Komputerowych w Inżynierii Lądowej