

  • M. Mucha, B. Wcisło, J. Pamin, and K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska. Instabilities in membrane tension: Parametric study for large strain thermoplasticity. Arch. Civ. Mech. Eng., 18(4):1055–1067, 2018. article
  • M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin Simulation of a propagative instability in shear using gradient-enhanced and viscoplastic model. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 19(2), 57-63, doi:10.7494/cmms.2019.2.0635, 2019. article
  • M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin Simulation of Lueders bands using regularized large strain elasto-plasticity. ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 73(1), 83–117, doi:10.24423/aom.3647, 2021. article
  • M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin Simulation of PLC effect using regularized large-strain elasto-plasticity. Materials, 15(12), 1-21, doi:10.3390/ma15124327, 2022. article
  • M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wcisło, A. Menzel and J. Pamin Experiments and numerical simulations of Lueders bands and Portevin–Le Chatelier effect in aluminium alloy AW5083. ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 75(3), 301–336, doi:10.24423/aom.4204, 2023. article
  • B. Wcisło, M. Mucha and J. Pamin Internal heat sources in large strain thermo-elasto-plasticity – theory and finite element simulations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 62(2), 293-306, doi:10.15632/jtam-pl/185614, 2024. article

Articles in polish

  • Z. Mucha and M. Mucha. Zastosowanie reaktorów z osadem czynnym o działaniu cyklicznym w gminnych oczyszczalniach ścieków, [The use of SBR reactors in communal wastewater treatment plants]. Rynek Instalacyjny, (12):75-78, 2016. article in polish
  • Z. Mucha, J. Mikosz and M. Mucha, Analiza koncepcji modernizacji gminnej oczyszczalni ścieków wykorzystującej metody naturalne: studium przypadku, [Analysis of the concept of modernization of a municipal wastewater treatment plant using natural methods: case study]. Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 91(11): 429-432, 2017 abstract in polish
  • M.Mucha, Porównanie koncepcji rozbudowy gminnej oczyszczalni ścieków dla aglomeracji powyżej 10 tys. RLM, [The commune WWTP for 10 000 PE – different options for its expansion]. Rynek Instalacyjny, (11):75-77, 2017 article in polish
  • J. Pamin, M. Mucha, Wybrane zastosowania metod obliczeniowych w inżynierii lądowej (FE analysis of selected problems of structural buckling), rozdział w monografii, 2021

Conference papers

  • M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin. Shear banding in large strain plasticity – Influence of specimen dimensions. AIP Publishing, 140010-1–140010-8, 2018. article


SolMech2016, 29.08-2.09 2016, Warsaw
authors: B. Wcisło, M. Mucha, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and J. Pamin

CMM2017, 13-16.09.2017, Lublin
title: Shear banding in large strain plasticity – influence of specimen dimensions
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło, M. Wrona and J. Pamin

21st Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, 06-08.10.2017, Budapest
title: Plate dimension-dependence of shear banding in large strain plasticity and thermoplasticity
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło, M. Wrona and J. Pamin

SolMech2018, 27-31.08.2018, Warsaw
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin

RCM2019, 20-22.03.2019, Hannover
title: Numerical Analysis of a Propagative Instability using Large Strain Elasto-Visco-Plasticity
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin

YIC2019, 1-6.09.2019, Krakow, poster
title: Comparison of propagative instabilities in shear and tension for viscoplastic and gradient enhanced model
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin
Additional Materials

PCM-CMM2019, 8-12.09.2019, Krakow
title: Simulation of a propagative instability using large strain thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin

WCCM2020, 11-15.01.2021, Virtual Congres
title: Finite Element Simulation of Lueders Bands in Shear Using Regularized Large Strain Plasticity Models
authors: M. Mucha, J. Pamin and B. Wcisło
Book of abstracts Presentation

YIC2021, 7-9.07.2021, Valencia, online
title: Numerical analysis of PLC effect using large strain elasto-plasticity models
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin
Book of abstracts

WCCM-APCOM2022, 31.07-5.08.2022, Yokohama, online
title: Numerical analysis of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect using regularized large strain thermo-visco-plastic model
authors: M. Mucha, B. Wcisło and J. Pamin

CMM-SolMech 2022, 7-9.07.2022, Świnoujście
title: Experimental and numerical analysis of Lueders bands and PLC effect in AW5083 aluminium alloy
authors: M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wcisło, A. Menzel and J. Pamin

GAMM 93rd Annual Metting, 30.05-2.06.2023, Dresden
title: Investigation of propagative instabilities in aluminium alloy AW5083
authors: M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wcisło, A. Menzel and J. Pamin
Book of abstracts

YIC2023, 19.06-21.06.2023, Porto
title: Analysis of Lueders bands and Portevin Le-Chatelier effect using experimental and computational data
authors: M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wcisło, A. Menzel and J. Pamin
Book of abstracts

ECCOMAS2024, 3.06-7.06.2024, Lizbon, PhD Olympiad
title: Influence of rate-dependence on unstable material response in large strain thermoplasticity
authors: M. Mucha

ECCOMAS2024, 3.06-7.06.2024, Lizbon
title: Aspects of parameter identification of models for materials exhibiting propagating instabilities
authors: M. Mucha, L. Rose and A. Menzel

SolMech2024, 16.09-18.09.2024, Wrocław
title: Large Strain Thermo-Visco-Plastic Model for Metals
authors: M. Mucha, R. Denzer, B. Wcisło, A. Menzel and J. Pamin

SolMech2024, 16.09-18.09.2024, Wrocław
title: Gradient-type regularization for finite strain thermo-plasticity
authors: J. Pamin, B. Wcisło and M. Mucha

TKI2024, 15.10-18.10.2024, Stare Sady
title: Analiza typów zjawiska PLC przy użyciu miary Sample Entropy
authors: M. Mucha

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