Updated on January 5
- Dissertations
- Methodology of Shakedown Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Arches under Moving Loads ( in Polish), Doctoral Thesis, Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1974, 142 p.
- Finite Element Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Structures (in Polish). Habilitation Thesis, CTU, Zeszyty Naukowe, Basic Techn. Sci., No.38, 1986, xxx .p.
- Books
- Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń and M. Radwańska: Finite Element Method in Stability of Structures (in Polish), Arkady, Warsaw, 1990, 373 p.
- Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń and M. Radwańska: Stability of Structures by Finite Element Methods, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994, 468 p.
- Textbooks
- Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń: Methods of analysis nonlinear problems of static and stability of structures. In: Selected problems of stability of structures (in Polish), Ossolineum,1987, (edit. Z. Waszczyszyn).
- Strength of materials - computer codes for teaching (in Polish). Edit. S. Piechnik, CUT, 1988.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Tomana: Computer methods in civil engineering (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1991.
- Cz. Cichoń, B. Olszowski, A. Tomana, R. Wójtowicz: Majak - Matrix language of structure analysis (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1993.
- Cz. Cichoń: Introduction to the finite element method (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1994.
- Structural Mechanics - Computer Approach (in Polish). Chapter 10 by Z. Waszczyszyn
and Cz. Cichoń: Fundamentals of nonlinear analysis of structures, pp. 191- xxx, Arkady,
Warsaw, 1995, 327 p.
- Chapters in books, state-of-the-art papers and
Published invited lectures
- Z.Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń: a) Efficient methods of solution of nonlinear FEM equation of (in Polish), Proc. 7th Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Structural Mechanics, Gdynia, 1985, Vol. 5, pp. 1127-1158; b) (in English) Wiss. Zeitschrrift der Univ. Rostock, 10, 37, 1988, pp. 29-38.
- Z. Waszczyszyn, M. Radwańska, Cz. Cichoń, E. Pabisek and K. Różycki: ANKA and MANKA computer codes as tools for teaching and training, in: Computer Design of Structures - Possibilities of Today Perspectives for the Future, Eds. G. Guerlement, M. Ivanyi, F. Papp, Proc.of Final Workshop Sponsored by TEMPUS JEP-0438, TU Budapest, Techn -cal Report of Dept. of Steel Structures, Vol. 1, pp. 15- xxxx
- Original papers
- Cz. Cichoń and Z. Waszczyszyn: Computation of circular elastic-plastic arch with sandwich cross-section (in Polish), Archiwum Inżynierii Lądowej, 3, 17, 1971, pp. 529-543.
- Cz. Cichoń, Limit analysis of arch with the effect of geometrical nonlinearities (in Polish). Czasop. Techn., Z.2-M(153), s.6-11, 1972.
- Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Computation of an elastic-plastic arch under moving load, Proc. Symp. Plastic Analysis of Structures, Jassy, Romania, 1972, pp. 145-158.
- Cz. Cichoń and Z. Waszczyszyn: Shakedown of an elastic-plastic arch under moving load, J. Structural Mechanics, 3, 3, 1974, pp. 273-290.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic arches under moving loads (in Polish). XVII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.37-38, 1974.
- Cz. Cichoń, The shakedown of circular arches for movable loads . Rozpr. Inż., 23(4), p.641-656, 1975.
- L. Corradi, Cz. Cichoń, Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic trusses with unstable bars. XVII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Kozubnik, Mater. Konf., s.24, 1978.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of multiple cycles for materials with the linear hardening (in Polish).Arch.Budowy Maszyn, T.XXII, Z.4, s.399-406, 1975.
- J. Orkisz, Cz. Cichoń, Application of truss superelements and static condensation to the computation of free vibrations of energetics structures (in Polish). Mechanika, PAN, s.41-52, 1979.
- Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Numerical analysis of buckling of elastic-plastic plane frames (in Polish), Archiwum Inżynierii Lądowej, 1, 25, 1979, pp. 35-41.
- Cz. Cichoń, Application of current stiffness parameter to the large displacements analysis of structures (in Polish). IV Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Koszalin, Mater. Konf., s.121-126, 1979.
- Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of bar structures . XXII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Gołuń, Mater. Konf., s.40, 1980.
- Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of trusses (in Polish). V Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Wrocław, Mater. Konf., s.77-83, 1981.
- Cz. Cichoń, Stability analysis of elastic trusses . Fourth Congress on Theoret. Appl. Mech.,Warna, Bułgaria, Proc., p.195-201, 1981.
- Cz. Cichoń, E. Krzywolak, Z. Mendera, W. Reczek, Applying of the second order theory to analysis of miner structures (in Polish). XXVIII Konf. Nauk. KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.27-33, 1982.
- Cz. Cichoń, Large displacements of elasto-plastic frames (in Polish). VI Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Białystok, Mater. Konf., s. 125-133, 1982.
- Z.Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń, Large displacements analysis of elastic-plastic trusses with unstable bars . Engng. Struct., Vol.3, October, p.210-218, 1981.
- Cz. Cichon, Large displacements in-plane analysis of elastic-plastic frames. Computer & Structures, Vol.19, No.5/6, p.737-745, 1984.
- CZ. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of elastic trusses (in Polish). Arch. Inż. Lądowej, T.XXIX, s.345-358, 1984.
- Cz. Cichoń, Stability analysis of elastic space trusses . Third Intern. Conf. Space Structures, Guildorf, Anglia, Proc.,p.567-571,1984.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic frames (in Polish). XXX Konf. Nauk. KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s. 25-30, 1984.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads (in Polish). VII Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Gdynia, Mater. Konf., s. 154-163, 1985.
- Cz. Cichoń, FE stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads . Fifth Congress Theoret. Appl. Mech., Warna, Bułgaria, Proc., p.215-221, 1985.
- Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear FE stability analysis of elastic structures under multiple parameter loads . 5th Conf. FEM and Variational Methods, Plzen, CSRS, 1986
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Application of FEM to the nonlinear concrete bar structures (in Polish). VIII Konf. Metody Komputer. w Mechanice, Warszawa-Jadwisin, Mater. Konf. T.1, s.37-43, 1987. Także: Polish-Hungarian Inter-Institute Seminar, Wola Zręczycka, 1987.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, FEM numerical analysis of concrete bar structures (in Polish). XXXIII Konf. Naukowa KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.312-317, 1987.
- Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Nonlinear stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads, Engineering Computations, 1, 5, 1988, pp. 10-14.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Analysis of concrete bar structures under moving loads (in Polish). XXXIV Konf. Naukowa KILiW PAN iKN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.371-377, 1988. Also: Konf. Metody Komputer. w Mechanice, Kraków-Rytro, Mater, Konf., T.3, s.1133-1142, 1989.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Z. Waszczyszyn, Nonlinear FEM analysis of concrete bar structures (in Polish). Arch. Inż. Lądowej, T.XXXVI, Z.1-2, s.29-61, 1990.
- Cz. Cichoń, Z. Waszczyszyn, A. Winnicki, FE analysis of R/C bar structures under moving loads . 2nd Intern. Conf. Computer Analysis and Computer Aided Design of Concrete Structures, Zell am See, Austria, Proc. Vol.B, p.1143-1154, 1990.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical methods of computationof critical boundaries on equilibrium manifolds . SMiRT11, Tokyo, Japonia, Proc. p.213-218, 1991.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Bounding surface concept for plane stress model of concrete . GAMM Annual Scientific Conf., Kraków, Proc., p.11-12, 1991.
- Cz. Cichoń., A. Winnicki, Numerically convenient description of material with linear hardening . Arch. Bud. Maszyn, T.XXXVIII, Z.3, p.165-183, 1991.
- Cz. Cichoń, Numerical methods of computation of critical boundaries . IV Inter-Institute Seminar on Vibration and Buckling of Structures, Budapest, Węgry, Proc., p.23-24, 1992.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, New plane stress model for concrete . SMiRT12, Stuttgart, Niemcy, Proc. Vol.H, p.253-258, 1993.
- Cz. Cichoń, Effectiveness and accuracy of computation of stability boundary using TL approach and corotational formulation . XI Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Kielce-Cedzyna, Proc.I, p.223-230, 1993.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, A. Winnicki, B. Witek, R. Wójtowicz, Application of the MANKA computer code to the nonlinear analysis of bar structures . XI Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Kielce-Cedzyna, Proc. I, p.209-222, 1993.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Bounding surface plane stress model for concrete . XXIX Polish Solid Mechanics Conf., Rytro, Proc., p.35, 1992. Also: V Konf. Naukowa Problemy Komputerowe w Obliczaniu Budowli Ziemnych i Betonowych w Budown. Hydrotechnicznym, Korbielów, Proc., s.1-6, 1993.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Model of concrete in plane stress under low cyclic loadings . Euro-C 1994, Comput. Modelling of Concrete Structures, Insbruck, Austria, Proc. Vol.II, p.175-184, 1994.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Modelling problems of R/C deep beams using FEM . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Warszawa-Zegrze, Proc. p.345-347, 1995.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Extrapolation methods of computation of critical loads of elastic structures . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Warszawa-Zegrze, Proc., p.71-73, 1995.
- A. Wnnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of the plain concrete model prediction for nonproportional loading path . Intern Conf. Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, Węgry, Proc. p.211-218, 1996.
- Cz. Cichoń, Z. Kępka and Z.Waszczyszyn: Stability of a cylindrical elastic-plastic panel under external pressure (in Polish), Rozprawy Inżynierskie, 1, 24, 1997, pp. 115-128.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Shakedown domains of a pre-loaded frames . Fifth Intern. Conf. Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Hiszpania, Proc. Part 2, p.1761-1766, 1997.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, FE analysis of R/C frames and deep beams under short-term loads . II Intern. Scientific Conf. on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Łódż, Proc., Vol.1, p.263-270, 1997.
- Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Stability surface computation of geodesic domes . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Poznań, Proc., Vol.1, p.263-270, 1997.
- Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Parallel computing of structures with floating subdomains . IX Inter-Institute Seminar Nonstandard Information Processing in Structural Mechanics, Janowice, Proc., p.10, 1997.
- Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Buckling of elastic-plastic continuous beams (in Polish), Proc. 23nd Polish Civil Eng. Conf., Krynica, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 25-31.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Plastic model for concrete in plane stress state. Part I: Theory . J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, p.591-602, June 1998.
- A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Plastic model for concrete in plane stress state. Part II: Numerical validation . J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, p.603-613, June 1998.
- Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, Improved Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures . XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p.293-294, 1999.
- Cz. Cichoń, P. Więckowski, Cable Structures Static Analysis - An FE Graphics Program in Delphi. XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p. 391-392, 1999.
- Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Application of Element Free Galerkin Method to the Crack Growth Analysis in Plain Concrete Structures . European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 31-September 3, 1999, p.,1999.
- Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Analysis of Crack Growth in Quasi Brittle Materials . XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p.71-72, 1999.
- Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, Static and buckling analysis of thin-walled frames with arbitrary open cross-section. Stability of Structures - IX Symposium, Zakopane 25-29.09. 2000, Mater. Konf. str. 29-36, 2000.
- Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, S. Wszczyszyn,Buckling of thin-walled frames with partial warping restraint . Archives of Civil Engng., XLVI, 2, pp.244-254, 2000.
- Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Coupling generalized FC model to meshless EFG method for crack growth analysis in quasi-brittle materials. CAMES, (to be published), 2001.