startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
Balbina Wcisło, Ph.D.
preferred contact in student matters
(preferowany kontakt w sprawach studenckich): MS Teams
+48 12 628 25 67
Warszawska 24
31-155 Cracow
Building WIEiK, Room 404
en/home.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2024/02/01 09:31 przez
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