Narzędzia użytkownika

Balbina Wcisło

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startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_start" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.
startSectionEdit: $data "plugin_wrap_end" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.


2017 June 21, Ph.D.

2017 May 25

2010 - 2014

2010 June 29, M.Sc.

2005 - 2010

2002 - 2005

Awarding of the title

Defense of doctoral thesis: Large strain thermomechanical material models accounting for inelasticity, instabilities and gradient enhancement (Termomechaniczne modele materiału uwzględniające duże odkształcenia, niesprężystość, niestateczność i regularyzację gradientową) download

Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology,
Faculty of Civil Enginneering,
Doctoral studies

Thesis: Preliminary design of a composite steel and concrete road bridge with reinforced concrete support cross beams

Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology,
Faculty of Civil Enginneering,
Specialty: Theory of Engineering Structures

Tadeusz Kościuszko High School (Ropczyce), Math-IT Class

Work experience

2017 - now

2010 - 2017


Assistant professor (adiunkt)
Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute for Computational Civil Engineering (L-5)

Assistant (asystent naukowo-dydaktyczny)
Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute for Computational Civil Engineering (L-5)

Student placement
SKANSKA S.A. Road and Bridge Construction Branch in Rzeszów


  • Software: Windows, Linux, Matlab, Octave, Mathcad, Mathematica, AceGen/AceFEM, Abaqus, Robot, AutoCad, LaTeX, MS Office
  • Languages: English (fluent)

Hobbies and interest

  • Dancing: ZPiT Halicz (1999-2005), ZPiT UJ Słowianki (2005-2011), Iglika (from 2022)
  • Traveling
en/cv.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2022/10/03 12:07 przez admin  

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