Conference Statistics

33 mini-symposia      6 plenary lectures
      12 parallel keynote lectures      44 keynote lectures in mini-syposia


509 registered participants:

134 from Poland,    90 from Germany,    35 from France,    25 from the USA,
24 from Italy,    16 from The Netherlands,    14 from Spain,    12 from Japan,
11 from Ukraine,    10 from Russia,    8 from Brazil.


450 published full-text papers;       475 presented papers in 127 sessions


Largest interest (incl. parallel and plenary lectures) in:

Adaptive Methods and Error Estimation (MS 5 and MS 6): 34 papers;
Optimization and Sensitivity (MS 11): 27 papers;
Computational Biomechanics (MS 23): 27 papers
Computational dynamics and Transient problems (MS 28): 27 papers (however, incl. Multibody Dynamics (MS 29) and Impact/crash Worthiness (MS 16): 41 papers;
Damage Fracture and Failure (MS 19): 25 papers


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