Social Programme

The Conference Social Programme - General Information
Detailed Tourist and Musical Evening Programme
Post Conference Tours


The Conference social programme was addressed to the participants and the accompanying persons. It included:

   an informal get-together
      a reception
       a musical evening
         a conference banquet.

City Tour      The Wawel Hill       The Wieliczka Salt Mine        Auschwitz



Musical Evening

The Musical Evening was arranged on Wednesday, June 27. It took place in restaurants, several music halls and churches.

Dinner in a restaurant with Jewish music

Dinner in a restaurant with Polish folk music

Concert in the Premonstratensian Sisters Cloister

Dinner for the members of IACM/ECCOMAS Advisory Committee, International Scientific Committee and all the In-vited Speakers with accompanying persons, in a restaurant with old Polish music (dinner offered by the Organizing Committee)
Conference Banquet
The official Conference Banquet took place in the Wieliczka Salt Mine, in the "Warszawa" Salt Chamber, more than 100 m below the ground level.

Detailed Tourist and Musical Evening Programme

City Tour
Cracow was the capital of Poland since the middle of 11th century till the end of 16th century. The old town was substantially rebuilt in the middle of 13th century and since then the town plan has not been changed. Cracow gathers various architectural styles - from beautiful gothic, through charming Renaissance to a variety of fin-de-siécle and modern buildings. Cracow is closely related to the history of Poland, to periods of power and glory and to times of wars and decline. This is reflected in monuments, churches and museums. Cracow is called the cultural capital of Poland not only because of its past but also because of the development of sciences and arts. Some of those faces of Cracow will be discovered during the city tours you are welcome to attend.

While taking a walking tour around the biggest European Main Market Square you will be able to admire the wonderful Our Lady Church with the famous altar by Veit Stoss, the unique Cloth Hall, the 600 year-old Collegium Maius of the Jagiellonian University, some gothic and baroque churches and a rich collection of paintings and objects of art housed by the Czartoryski Museum.


The Wawel Hill
The Royal Castle, one of the most representative museum in Poland, is famous not only for its Renaissance courtyard but also for Flemish arras tapestries. The Wawel Cathedral, where the Pope John Paul II was a Bishop for many years, is worth visiting for its outstanding architecture. It is also the acropolis with tombs of the Polish kings, poets and national leaders.


The Wieliczka Salt Mine
The Mine (12 km East of Cracow), which dates back to the 13th century, is the world famous monument of man's activity in the field of technology and arts. The three-hour, underground visit shows the beauty of salt and other minerals in the surprising surrounding of natural and human works.


The name of a small town of Auschwitz (Oświęcim in Polish), located 50 km west of Cracow, is a synonym of the Jewish Holocaust and of other nations' extermination during the World War II. The visit to the Concentration Camps in Auschwitz takes 4 - 5 hours by coaches.


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