Maria Radwańska

Name Maria Radwańska
Degree Ph.D., Hab.
Telephone number +48 12 628 2561
Room number 407

Curriculum Vitae

Research Fields


Conference Lectures

Educational Fields

Curriculum Vitae


1963 - 1969

Study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology


M.Sc.(Civil Engineering)


Doctoral Thesis: "The Analysis of Stability and Post-Critical behaviour of Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Annular Plates" (in Polish)


Monograph: "Stability and Large Displacement Analysis of Plates and Shells by Use of FEM" (in Polish)


1969 - 1992

Assistant and Assistant Professor, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Cracow University of Technology

1992 - 2006

Associate Professor, Institute of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology

2006 - now

Professor of PK, Institute of Computational Civil Engineering, Section of Computational Analysis of Structures, Cracow University of Technology

Research Fields

Selected publications

  1. Gilewski, W. and Radwańska, M.: A survey of finite element models for the analysis of moderately thick shells, FEAD, 9(1991), 1-21
  2. Waszczyszyn, Z. and Cichoń, Cz. and Radwańska, M.: Stability of Structures by Finite Element Method, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994
  3. Radwańska, M. and Waszczyszyn, Z.: Buckling Analysis of a Cooling Tower Shell with Measured and Theoretically-Modelled Imperfections, Thin-Walled Structures, 23(1995), 107-121
  4. Waszczyszyn, Z. and Pabisek, E. and Pamin, J. and Radwanska, M.: Nonlinear analysis of a RC cooling tower with geometrical imperfections and a technological cut-out, Eng. Struct. , 22 (2000), 480-489
  5. Bielski, J. and Radwańska, M.: Computational problems of FE-analysis of elastic-plastic surface structures, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 8(2001), 17-44
  6. Radwańska, M.: A survey of various FE models with conceptual diagrams for linear analysis, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 13(2006), 209-233
  7. Radwańska, M.: An overview of selected plate and shell FE models with graphic presentation of governing relations, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 14(2007), 431-456
  8. Waszczyszyn, Z., Radwańska, M.: Ustroje powierzchniowe, podręcznik dla studentów wyższych szkół technicznych, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 1985
  9. Mechanika budowli, ujęcie komputerowe, praca zbiorowa pod kier. Z. Waszczyszyna, T.3., Rozdz.9., Podstawowe równania i metody obliczania sprężystych dźwigarów powierzchniowych, Arkady, W-wa, 1995
  10. Radwańska, M.: Metody komputerowe w wybranych zagadnieniach mechaniki konstrukcji, podręcznik dla studentów wyższych szkół technicznych, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, wyd.1. 2000, wyd.2. 2007
  11. Olszowski, B., Radwańska, M.: Mechanika Budowli, podręcznik dla studentów wyższych szkół technicznych, T.1,2, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, wyd.1. 2003, wyd.2. 2007
  12. Radwańska, M.: Ustroje powierzchniowe, podstawy teoretyczne oraz rozwiązania analityczne i numeryczne, podręcznik dla studentów wyższych szkół technicznych, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2009

Educational Fields

Last modification date: October 16, 2008